
发布 2022-11-24 12:54:28 阅读 4145



一、listen and circle.(听单词,圈出你听到的单词的首字母。5%)1.

under 2. bag 3. leg 4. six5. box二、listen and write.(听句子,在括号里写出相应物品的数量,用阿拉伯数字表示。8%)

1. how many kites do you see? i see thirteen.

2. how many birds? eight.3. i see twelve boats.

4. i h**e four erasers.

5. i h**e five fingers.

6. how many cars do you h**e? i h**e fourteen cars.

7. i like flowers. i h**e two flowers.

8. how many watermelons do you see? i see one watermelon.

三、listen and choose.(听音,选出你所听到的单词。10%)

1. i see twelve boys in the classroom.

2. i see thirteen cake, please.

4. i h**e ten toes.

5. how many crayons do you h**e? fourteen.四、listen and tick.(听音,在相应的**下打“√”12%)

1. -how many balls do you see? eight?

no, i see eleven, eleven balls!2. i like strawberries.

i see six strawberries.3. i like caps.

i h**e twelve caps.

4. four times five makes twenty.5. i h**e fourteen pens.

6. i see sixteen pigs.五、listen and draw.(听音,用笑脸或哭脸表示**正确与否。10%)

1. look at the cats! they are so cute.

2. i h**e seven apples.

3. my duck has one big nose.

4. ten and nine makes nineteen.

5. -do you like pears?

yes, i do. i see six pears.

六、listen and choose.(听音,选出你所听到的单词或句子。5%)

1. i h**e a kite.

2. i h**e thirteen pencils.

morning, dad!

4. i h**e three dogs.

5. how many boats do you h**e?

七、listen and tick.(根据情境,用“√”选出合适的表达方式。10%)


a. do you like crayons?

b. how many crayons do you h**e?2.想表达“我看见了13条鱼”,你说:

a. i h**e three fishes. b. i see thirteen fishes.


a. can you count?

b. open it and see!4.朋友说他不喜欢葡萄,你也不喜欢,你说:a. me, neither.

b. me too.5.想知道你的书包在**,你问:

a. where is my bag?

b. where is my cat?


课题 unit6 at the zoo第一课时教学目标 学会使用 it has 和 it s so 句型来描述相关动物。教学重难点 1.在情景中运用small,big,long,short,tall。和has的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。教具准备 录音机 动物 玩具 面具 字母卡 磁带。教学...


课题 unit6 at the zoo第一课时教学目标 学会使用 it has 和 it s so.句型来描述相关动物。教学重难点 1.在情景中运用small,big,long,short,tall。和has的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。教具准备 录音机 动物 玩具 面具 字母卡 磁带。教学...


课题 unit6 at the zoo第一课时教学目标 学会使用 it has 和 it s so.句型来描述相关动物。教学重难点 1.在情景中运用small,big,long,short,tall。和has的对比和运用,让学生在练习中得以掌握。教具准备 录音机 动物 玩具 面具 字母卡 磁带。教学...