
发布 2020-10-10 05:40:28 阅读 8042


姓名评分。listening part (50分)

一、听音,找出录音所读句子中所含有的单词或字母,在其( )里打“√”10分)

1. prc ( 2. ball( )3. big ( 4. )5. deer( )

6. long( )7. use ( 8. look( )9. )

shortcutebooksopeach( )


1. a. b. 2. a. b. 3. a. b. 4. a. b. 5. a. b.



)1. a. thank you. b. greatc. you're right.

)2. a. excuse me. b. no, you can't. c. no problem.

)3. a. it's nice. b. it's longc. it's under the chair.

)4. a. yes, i do. b. no, thanks. c. yes, i am.

)5. a. i h**e twelve. b. i am twelve. c. i can see twelve.


1. look ata new friend.

2. do you likeyour crayon?

3. can i usethe elephant.

4. we h**eorange juice?

writing part (50分)


a ɑz z



)1. a. prc b. can c. abc

)2. a. monkey b. short c. long

)3. a. eye b. small c. ear

)4. a. chair b. two c. desk

)5. a. jeep b. bus c. banana



a. tall b. long c. short d. big e. small

1. the watermelon isthe car is

2. dad, you arei'm short.

3. the pen isthe crayon is


1. ①giraffe ② look ③ at ④ the

2. ①has ② it ③ a ④ long ⑤ nose

3. ①car ② my ③ is ④ where

4. ①you ② like ③ do ④ grapes


listening content:


1. prc, prc, i'm from china. 2. the giraffe is tall. 3. it has big ears.

4. it's nine 5. look at the deer. 6. my ruler is short.

7. can i use your pen? 8. i h**e a book. 9. no, thanks. 10. i like pears.


1. my ruler is short. 2. i'm from china. 3. the bus is small.

4. my brother is tall. 5. do you like bananas? yes, i do.


1. long, long, long! make your arms long.

2. e f g h i, say “goodbye”!

3. look, the giraffe is short and the deer is tall.

4. small, mall, small! make your eyes small.

5. it's 7 let's go to school.

6. short, short, short! make yourself short.


1. let's eat the birthday cake. 2. excuse me, can i use your ruler?

3. where is the monkey4. do you like peaches?

5. how many chairs can you see?


1. look at the elephant.

2. do you like orange juice?

3. can i use your crayon?

4. we h**e a new friend.

key:listening part

一、(略)二、b a b a a

三、 四、b c c a c


writing part


二、1. ×2. √3. √4. ×5. √

三、c a b b c

四、五、d e a b c六、12


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