
发布 2022-11-24 13:03:28 阅读 4912





)1、-mike:can i h**e a some mike?

saraha. thank youb. you’re welcome.

c. sure, here you are. d. i like mike .

2. -zip:hello,zoom!happy bithday!

zooma. hi, nice to meet you . b. good morning.

c. hi!thank you,zipd. how are you ,zip.

3.-zip: how old are you ?

zooma. i’m nineb. i’m zoom.

c. greatd. i like bread.


zip: seven.

a.what's your nameb. may i h**e a look?

c. how many gifesd. how are you?

5.-zip:how many books?

zooma. greatb. five.

c. very welld. thanks.


) 1、-what’s your name

i’m seven

2. -can i h**e some juice ?

sure ,here you are .

3. -how are you,kate

i’m four .

4. -how old are you


5. -how many cakes

ten四、 看一看,填一填:根据所给的**,选出适当的单词填入句子的空格里(填符号即可)。(10分)

1、this is a

a. earb. book

2、i can see tow

a. monkeysb. eggs

3、is this ayes, it is

a. ballb. ruler

4、look, i h**e a

a. kiteb. doll

5、i can see

a. sixb. one


a. nineb. sixc. eightd. two

e. fivef. fourg. tenh. seven


) 1. a. one b. threec. caked. ten

2. a. dog b. cakec. duckd. cat

3. a. rule b. pencil box c. eraserd. tiger

4. a. arm b. legc. sixd. head

5. a. black b. birdc. blued. white



a. good morningb. how are you ?

c. nice to meet youd. good afternoon.

2) 当李雷知道明天是李明的生日时,他该说。

a.nice to meet techers’day !

c. happy birthday to you! halloween!


a. how are youb. how old are you?

c. how many giftsd. what’s your name?


a. greatb. guess.

c. see youd. thnak you .



a. thank youb. here you are

c. thanksd. you’re welcome


a. can i h**e some juice? b. may i h**e a look?

c. h**e some jiuce,please! d. here you are!


a. can i h**e some coke? b. pass me the coke!

c. show me the coked. i like coke.


a. how are youb. how old are you?

c. how many bookd. what’s your name?


a. i h**e two giftsb. i h**e there gifts.

c. i h**e four giftsd. i h**e five gifts.

( )6、这是给你的蛋糕,李雷。

a. this cake is for you, li lei. b. h**e a cake , li lei.

c. can i h**e a cake ,li lei . d. i like cake ,li lei.


a. i’m from chinab. i china.

c.fom chinad. china.


a.kate: let”s eat the cake.

lilei: great!

b. tom: happy birthday to you, kate !

kate: thank you .

c. lilei: hello, kate. this is my firend tom.

kate: nice to meet you.

tom: nice to meet you ,too.

how old are you?

kate: i’m nine.




学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考。小学英语三年级上册第六单元测试题。一 轻松选一选。20分 1 mike can i h e a some mike?welcome.here you are.like mike 2.zip hello,zoom!happy bithday zooma.hi,nice t...


义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语三年级上册。第六单元学业水平评价。班级姓名分数。一 写出字母的大小写 10分 u w x y z k t e f n 二 选出与所给单词中同类的选项。10分 bookb.yellow c.nine 2.seea.catb.cake c.look greenb.eight...


注 卷面整洁分5分,请同学们认真答题。听力部分。一 听录音,把你听到的单词写在下面的四线格内。6分 二 听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列的图画标上正确的序号。4分 三 听录音,圈出正确 的字母编号。10分 1.a b 2.a b 3.a b 4.a b5.a b 四 听录音,对数字排序。10分 五 根据你...