
发布 2022-11-30 03:34:28 阅读 8736



a、is this your vest?

b、is that your vest?


a、yes, thank you .

b、no, it isn’t.


a、that’s my skirt.

b、this is my skirt.


a、show me the big letter t.

b、show me the small letter t.


a、what’s this?

b、what’s that?


a、show me your ruler.

b、show me the letter r.

)7、is this your vest?

a、yes, it is .

b、show me your vest.

c、no, it is .

)8、what’s that?

a、 a orange.

b、 an orange.

c、 a apple.

)9、who’s that man?

a、h’s my uncle.

b、she’s my aunt.

c、i’m peter.

)10、what’s on the desk?

a、 a pencil-box.

b、it’s a big classroon.

c、i’m fine.

)11、is this your skirt?

a、oh, yes. thank you .

b、、it’s a skirt.

c、yes, it’s my t-shirt.

)12、what’s this?

a、that’s my t-shirt.

b、it’s my t-shirt.

c、yes, it is .


a、is this your watch?

b、is that your watch?


a、yes, it is .

b、no, it isn’t.


a、is this your ruler.

b、excuse me。


a、here you are.

b、thank you.


a、this is my zip.

b、that’s my zebra.

)18、is that your sweaters?

a、yes, it is .

b、i like sweaters.

)19、what’s that?

a、yes, it’s a yacht.

b、it’s a yacht.

)20、is this your t-shirt?

a、oh, yes. thank you .

b、it’s a t-shirt。

)21、do you like yellow coats?

a、yes, i do.

b、yes, it is .



a、is this your pencil?

b、is that your watch?


a、yes, it is .

b、is that your ruler?


a、this is your uniform.

b、 that’s my uniform.


a、what’s that?

b、who’s that?


a、it’s big.

b、it’s cool.


a、i like apples.

b、h**e an apple, please.


a、no, thanks. i don’t like apples.

b、yes, please. i like apples.


a、this is my zebra.

b、that is your zebra.


a、it’s an elephant.

b、it’s a elephant.


a、i don’t like apples and bananas.

b、i don’t like apples or bananas.

)32、你请gao wei 吃一块蛋糕,你应这样说:

a、i don’t like cakes.

b、h**e a cake, gao wei.


a、here’s some water for you ?

b、can i h**e some water ,please?


a、 let’s sing.

b、 let’s go home.

)35、你想让gao wei 看你爸爸的**,你说:

a、look at my father’s photo.

b、show me your father’s photo.


a、let’s go home.

b、let’s go to school.

)37、你想知道几点了,你对peter 说:

a、what time is it?

b、what’ s time is it?

)38、你想让gao wei 看你的新水壶,你说:

a、look at my new water bottle.

b、show me your new water bottle.

)39、你想知道手中的衬衫是不是gao wei的,你应说:

a、is this your skirt?

b、is this your shirt?


a、what’ s your name?

b、what’ s in the desk?


一组: )1、is this your bag?

)2、what’s that?

)3、do you like monkeys?

)4、what’ s your sister’s name?

)5、what time is it?

a、yes, i do.

b、it’s seven o’clock .

c、oh, yes. thank you .

d、 a skirt.

e、wu meng.


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