
发布 2021-03-09 09:55:28 阅读 8029





1. ping-pong player乒乓球运动员。

2. a great chinese ping-pong player中国杰出的乒乓球运动员。

3. start hiccupping 开始打嗝 to…太…….而不……

music谱写曲子 movie star电影明星

7. learn to ride a bicycle学会骑自行车 learning开始学英语

playing sports 开始进行体育运动 10. a loving grandfather慈爱的祖父

all one’s free time with sb.与某人一起度过了所有的业余时间

famous violinist 著名的小提琴手 13. ice skating滑冰

kind and loving grandmother和蔼而慈爱的祖母

15. a skating champion 滑冰冠军 famous chinese pianist中国著名的钢琴演奏

17. a small boy(girl)孩提时期18. at the age of…在……年龄时。

part in参加、加入 to learn the accordion开始学习手风琴

in 主修,专修22. start for a place=le**e for a place动身去……

of 因为、由于

ii. 应掌握的句子:

1.when was he born?他是什么时候出生的?

2.who’s that? that’s deng yaping. she is a great chinese ping-pong player.


3.how long did charles osborne hiccup? he hiccupped for 69 years 5 months.


4.you are never too young to start doing things.你永远不会小到不能做事情的地步。

5.tiger woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.


6.who is shirley temple? 坦普尔是谁?

she’s a movie star. 雪利她是一电影明星。

when did she became a movie star? 她何时成为明星的?

she became a movie when she was three years old. 她3岁的时候。

7.it was a comedy called “how alone”.这是一部叫“小鬼当家” 的喜剧。

8.arthur is a loving grandfather. he spends all his free time with his grandchildren.


9.she toured the when she was fourteen.他14岁的时候就在美国做巡回表演了。

10. when he was a small boy, he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.


11. 你多大年龄开始学习英语的。

12. 想要出名我能做什么。

13. 中国足球队去年在亚洲巡回比赛14. 在演讲比赛中约翰获得第一名15.who is the greatest man alive?谁是当今最伟大的人?

16. my mother bought a live fish.我妈妈买了一条活鱼。

17. the living people are more important.活着的人更重要。

1. grow up 长大,成长 2. computer science计算机科学

going to do表示主观打算、准备或有信心做某事

4. computer programmer 电脑程序设计人 player 棒球运动员。

6. take acting lessons上演技课 7. professional basketball player职业篮球运动员

basketball练习篮球 somewhere=move to somewhere搬到(不具体的)某一地方

10. sound like 听起来像…… 兼职的,full-time 全职的,全日制的

year or two一两年=one or two years; an hour or two=one or two hours一两个小时;

a day or two=one or two days一两天

13. my dream job我梦想的工作 14. what i want to do 我想做的事情

15. somewhere interesting有趣的地方 16. a reporter for fashion magazine 时装杂志记者

17. s**e some money 积蓄一些钱,攒钱 18. at the same time与此同时

art exhibition举办美术展览 over the world全世界,世界各地

21. somewhere quiet and beautiful 安静而美丽的地方

22. send sth. to sb. 将某物发送给某人 not sure yet我还没有定下来。

24. the olympic games=the olympics奥运会 25. new year’s resolutions新年的决心

26. play an instrument 弹一种乐器 27. get a part-time job找到一份兼职工作

the soccer team组建足球队 29. get good grades获得好成绩

healthier food吃健康的食物 lots of exercise多进行体育锻炼

32. take guitar lessons上吉他课 33. i really love music我酷爱**

interesting听起来很有意思35. communicate with sb.与某人交流。

36. a foreign language teacher 一份当外语教师的工作

37. keep fit 保持身体健康 harder in school 在学校里更努力学习

39. make one’s resolution 表决心 40. after high school=le**e school中学毕业后

41. international magazines 国际杂志社42. the exchange students留学生

43. h**e a welcome party 召开一个欢迎会。

1. i am going to be a basketball player. 我想成为一名篮球运动员。

2. how are you going to do that? i’m going to study computer science.你打算怎样做?


3. being a computer programmer is his dream.


han is going to be an actor. 程汉想要当一名演员。

is cheng han going to move? he’s going to move to new york.


6. where are you going to work? 你打算在**工作?

i’m not sure yet. 我还没有定下来。

maybe beijing or shanghai. 也许在北京或上海吧。


1. 你弟弟是什么时候出生的?


3. 这本书太难了,我看不懂。




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