
发布 2021-03-09 09:53:28 阅读 3532

必修5 unit one


使用者:主备人: 黄淑梅 2016 年9月1日编号:1

必修5unit 1

一.单词。1n. 画家;油漆匠v绘画。

2adj. 科学的n科学n科学家。

3vt. &vi. 结束;推断出n结论。

4vt. 分析n分析。

5vt. 打败;战胜n. 失败。

6adj. 熟练的n.专家;行家。

7vt. 照顾;护理;出席;8vt. 暴露;

9n. **;痊愈10vt. 怀疑;

11n. &vt. 向……挑战adj.有挑战性的。

12n. 受害者13vt. 吸收;使专心。

14adj. 严重的;15vt.&n 责备;谴责。

16vt. 预见;预知过去式过去分词。

17vt. 污染;adj污染的n.污染。

18n. 把手; vt. 处理;19vt. &n. 连接;联。

20vt. 宣布;通知n宣布。

21vt. 命令;指示22vt. &vi. 捐献;贡献;

23adj. 有责任的;负责的n责任。

24vt.建设;修建n. 建设;建筑物。

25adj. 合作的26n. 移动;运动;

27adj. 积极的;肯定的28adj. 热情的29vi. &vt. (使)旋转___过去式过去分词。

30adj. 小心的;谨慎的31vt. 拒绝;

32n. 宇宙;世界adj.全世界的。






主备人: 黄淑梅 2016 年9月4日编号:2

必修5unit 1


1.good planning is one of the特征) of a successful business.

2.don't jump to the c___before you make a careful investigation.

3.we d___lincoln high school in the baseball game yesterday.

4.how many people参加) your wedding?

5.the opposition leader c___the prime minister to call an election.

6.some chemicals are easily a___into the bloodstream, while others are not.

7.they怀疑) me of h**ing a hand in the affair.

8.she责怪) him for the failure of their marriage.

9.the air is污染) so badly in some regions that people could hardly breathe.

10.the h___of the door is off.


conclude,defeat,attend,analyse,cure,blame,be exposed to,be absorbed in,put forward,instruct

1.shall wehimas the candidate for chairman of the committee?

2.after two hours' waiting, ithat mary wouldn't come at all.

3.experts are stillthe dna evidence in the case.

4.wethe other team by six runs.

5.he willan important meeting tomorrow.

6.those whothe h1n1 were separated and treated without delay.

7.she tried every means toher girl of the bad habit.

8.shesothat book that she didn't realize it had been 12 o'clock.

9.many children are afraid offor ****** mistakes in speaking english.

10.the teacherthe pupils to come into the classroom.


1.why did you提出) such a view at yesterday's meeting?

2.i正入神地读) this book that i didn't hear you come in.

3.were you注意听)what she was saying?

4.they得出了不同的结论) from the facts.

5.we must send someone to调查) the matter.

6.it is a serious illness, but能被**).

7每次)i catch a cold, i always drink much water.

8.we don't know who is负责)the accident.


it is exciting to visit different places. as you __1__ you will see beautiful __2__ typical of the region. _3__,you can meet and make friends with people of different __4__ and races.

finally, you can get to know the customs and living __5__ of the local people. today people are so fond of __6__ that tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in most countries.


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