
发布 2021-03-09 08:52:28 阅读 8204

unit5 our school life

topic3 my school life is very interesting section a


学习目标。1. 能拼读识记学科名词及重点短语。

2. 学会用英语表达自己的学校生活。

学习重点:1. 复习现在进行时用法。

2. 对“星期”提问用”what day is it today?” 回答用“it’s wednesday/tuesday….“

what class…= which class…”对课程进行提问。


2. 翻译下列词组。





小组评价___打abc等级) 科代表签字。


1. what day is it today?今天星期几?

it’s wednesday。 星期三。

what day 用来对星期提问, 其答语为“it’s +表星期几的名词”

2. what class are they h**ing ? 他们正在上什么课?

they are h**ing a music class. 他们正在上**课。

what class =which class 什么课

3. what time is it over?几点下课?= what time does it end(动词,结束)

what class对具体的时间、点提问。be over结束,指状态。如:school is over. 放学了。end结束,完成,强调动作。

4. how many lessons does he h**e every weekday? 他周一至周五每天上几节课?

句型“how many +可数名词复数+…?常用来询问可数名词的数量。此外,对不可数名词的量提问用how much,如 --how much milk do you h**e?

-a little.

how much 还可以用来询问**,如:--how much is this pair of shoes? -thirty yuan.

巩固练习。一、 填出所缺单词。

1. we doactivities every day.

2. in a history class, we can __about the past.

3. jane likes singing, so she’d like to h**e a __class.

4. this class __at three o’clock and it __over at a quarter to four.

5is it today? it’s thursday.

二、 对划线部分提问。

1. i h**e lessons four times a week.

do you h**e lessons.

2. classes begin at 8:00

do classes begin?

3. they are singing and dancing in the gym?

they___in the gym.

4. we h**e seven classes every day?

classes do you h**e?


( )often do our outdoor __at 4:20.

a. activity b. activitys c. activities d. activies

( )2.—where’s mike?

—he is working __physics __in the classroom.

a. in; problem b. out; problem c. in; problems d. on; problems

) 4. look! linda under the tree.

a. dances b. runs c. reading d. is reading a book

many music __do you h**e every week?

a. class b. class’ c. lessons d. lesson

5. the english class ends at five o’clock.(换同义句)

the english classat five o’clock.


2.预习检查 设置 单词默写 和 句型翻译 要求学生通过预习,完成单词和句型的初步感知,也便于学生对预习情况进行自我评价。另外,要在课本上 导学案 上记录自己的疑惑 此处要与本校所研究的小课题相结合,在疑难点处加以自己喜欢的标志 以便于学生在课堂上提出疑难,展示自己不明白的问题。课堂导学 第一板块 ...


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