
发布 2020-09-30 01:53:28 阅读 9456

unit 8 sports stars

teaching objectives:

1. to review the words and the sentences of the dialogue.

2. to act out the dialogue in class.

3. to learn the grammar.

focus and difficult points:


---is she jumping high or low? -she is jumping low.

---are you playing football or table tennis? -i am playing football.

2.--what’s your f**ourite sport?

---my f**ourite sport is the long jump.

teaching procedures:

一.warming up.

a. greetings.

b. review the words.

c. act out the dialogue in class.

d. review the sentences.

---which sports are you good at?

---we’re good at playing table tennis.

(复习be good at 用法)

二.presentation and practice.

a. look at some pictures and find their differences.(引出选择疑问句)


1) 含义:向对方提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择一种情况回答的疑问句就是选择疑问句。

2) 特征: 选择疑问句用or 连接供选择的两种或两种以上的情况,回答时必须是完整的回答或其省略形式。不能直接用yes /no 来回答。

3) 小学阶段只学习以be 开头的选择疑问句中两种情况之间的选择。

句型结构:be (is /are)+主语+(v.-ing)+ a or b?

---is your mother a teacher or a doctor?

she is a doctor.

2) -are you playing football or table tennis?

---i am playing football.

b. look at your books and turn to page 38.

work with language

part 1 in pairs, answer these questions about the pictures.

for example:

picture (1): is she jumping high or low?

she is jumping low.


c. practice

let pupils act out their dialogue.

d. look at part 2 and answer the questions.

1) -what’s your f**ourite sport?

---my f**ourite sport is the long jump.

f**ourite “最喜欢的”)

2) what sport are you good at?

(what = which)

e. make a survey.


do the exercises and check the answers.

巩固练习] (见附页)


finish the book 《创新学习》unit 8.


1) 含义:向对方提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择一种情况回答的疑问句就是选择疑问句。

2) 特征: 选择疑问句用or 连接供选择的两种或两种以上的情况,回答时必须是完整的回答或其省略形式。不能直接用yes /no 来回答。

3) 小学阶段只学习以be 开头的选择疑问句中两种情况之间的选择。

句型结构:be (is /are)+主语+(v.-ing)+ a or b?

---is your mother a teacher or a doctor?

she is a doctor.

2) -are you playing football or table tennis?

---i am playing football.

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