
发布 2020-08-08 03:28:28 阅读 1368

课题: unit3 happy mother’s day.



学习内容: 1.掌握以下词汇:

movie / cinema /actor /actress /singer / artist / music cds / movie vcds / silk scarf / nightdress / handbag / sandal / f**ourite / food / drink / fruit / colour


is she your mum’s f**ourite singer?

is this your mum’s f**ourite colour?

is that your mum’s f**ourite actress?

what’s your mum’s f**ourite food/drink / fruit ?

how much are those sandals?

they are 25 yuan / dollars.

how much is this nightdress?

it’s 32 yuan / dollars.

3.找发音规律:latest tallest smallest




step2. preview new words. 学习下面这些新单词。

movie___cinema___actor___actress___singer___artist___music cds __movie vcds __silk scarf___nightdress

handbag __sandal

step3 .discuss .1. 与同伴讨论一下,母亲节快到了,你想送点什么礼物给母亲。从上面这些东西中挑选一个吧。

i want to buy afor my mum.


my mun’s f**ourite food is

my mun’s f**ourite drink is

my mun’s f**ourite fruit is

my mun’s f**ourite colour is

my mun’s f**ourite actor is

my mun’s f**ourite singer is

step4 .pairwork.结对活动,与搭档一起组建对话:

a: is she your mun’s f**ourite singer?

b: yes , she is . no,she isn’t.

a: is this your mun’s f**ourite colour?

b: yes, it is. /no,it isn’t.

a: is that your mun’s f**ourite food?

b: yes, it is. /no,it isn’t.

a: what’s your mun’s f**ourite drink?

b: coffe.

a: who is your mun’s f**ourite actor ?

step5. ask and answer.询问一下你的搭档,给母亲买的礼物多少钱,如:

a: how much is this silk scarf ?

b: it’s 25 yuan.

a: how much are these movie vcds ?

b:they are 28 yuan.

step6. work out the problems. 课文中你还有哪些疑难问题写下来与同伴一起交流吧。

step7 .达标测评。

一. 选一选。

) day is __may.

a. on b. in

) want to buy a cd __my mum.

) and i will go to see the movie __mother’s day.

a. in b. on

) to buy a handbag for his mum.

a. want c. wents

) much __the nightdress?

a. is b. are c. does

) much __the silk scarves?

a. is b. are c. does


1. look at the cinema over there

2. what a good idea

she your mum’s f**ourite actress






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