
发布 2020-08-08 03:25:28 阅读 6774






)1、a. raceb. grassc. glass

)2、a. presentb. parents c. presents

)3、a. take a walk b. keep off c. take off

)4、a. june 6b. july 16 c. june 16

)5、a. no parking. b. no littering. c. no smoking.

)6、a. dearb. nearc. year

)7、a. waitb. awayc. always.

c )8、a. shouldn’t b. mustn’t c. can’t




)1、a. it means “be quiet”. b. it means you should make noise. does.

)2、a. he likes dancing. b. she'd like a camera. c. he wants a camera.

)3、a. it’s on the 4th of april. b. it’s the 4th of april. c. it’s on thursday.

)4、a. no, there weren’t. b. yes, there wasn’ there wasn’t.

)5、a. it was under the table. b. they were on the sofa. c. they are on the sofa.

)6、a. no,i'd like i'd like i like.


一、 判断下列各组单词画线部分的读音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。(4分)

) 1. bear pear2. there here3. race h**e

) 4. just must5. then they6. mobile photo

) 7. ground cousin8. ball roll


1. public signs2. 散步。

3. look around4.捡起它。

5. go home together6. 刚才。

7. blow out the candles8.非常激动。

9. walk on the grass10. 三月六号。

三。 选择题。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)

) 1. my little brother is only

year old. b. three years old. years

) 2. i want to buy glasses for my grandpa.

a. a b. the c. a pair of

) sing and dance a music lesson.

a. atb. on c. in

) an story it is!

a. excite c. excited

)5.. we here. grandma is sleeping.

a. shouldn’t keep quiet

b. shouldn’t make noise

c. must make noise

) 6. my vcd here yesterday. where it now?

a. is ,was b. were , are c. was , is

) 7. what is it today? it is sunday.

a. date b. time c. day

) 8. what in the glass ? there some apple juice.

a is , is. b. is, are c. are ,is

) father likesmusic after lunch.

a. listening to b .listen to c. to listen

) 10..ben isthe candles on the cake . it's time for some cake.

out out

四. 从ⅱ栏中选出ⅰ栏的正确应答,并将其序号填在括号内。(共8题,每小题1分,计8分)

) 1 .is the diary under the violina .it means “no speaking”.

) 2 .would you like to come to halloween party? b .no, it isn’t.

) 3 . where are the photosc. of course

) 4 . are the students walking in the playground? behind the sofa.

) 5. what does the sign they are.

) 6. does she often walk to schoolf. he's only three.

) 7. how old is your she always goes to school by bike.

) 8. do you h**e school from monday to friday? do.

五。 从方框内选出正确的词或词组完成句子。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分)

1. the sign on the grass saysthe grass”.

2. there aresigns in the mean different things.


一 习惯搭配 短语。1.去旅行2.去野餐3.学习游泳。4.去电影院5.去超市6.看望祖父母。7.去滑冰8.堆雪人9.看电影。10.聚会11.做月饼12.朗诵一首诗。时间短语 13.这周末14.今天上午15.今天下午。16.今天晚上17.下周。18.下星期三。二 惯用表达法。1.你呢2.它们在这儿3....


第三单元过关。姓名得分 1.她们硬是用敲开了硬是把 浇灌成 她们庄严地向 和 宣战 世界上不存在什么一年后,夏洛蒂的 出版了。一问世就受到了广大读者的引起评论界的小草 大树 的引号的含义是 小草 指大树 指。2.勃朗特三姐妹分别是人名 她的代表作是人名 她的代表作是人名 她的代表作是。3.她的生命艰...


第三单元预习过关课。一 读写展示,词语过关。1 同学们,上节课我们预习了第三单元的两篇文章,它们是 这节课我们就来检验大家预习是否过关了,这些词语你能读准吗?1 指四生,一人读一行。2 同位两人进行过关检查,有不会的同位当小老师教会他。3 易错字提醒 这些红色的字是要求会写的,哪个字最容易写错?哪位...