
发布 2020-08-08 03:29:28 阅读 3955

小学六年级英语下册第三单元unit 3 知识点及练习题。

unit 3 where did you go?

重点词汇】go fishing---went fishing 去钓鱼。

go camping --went camping 去野营。

go swimming---went swimming 去游泳。

ride a bike---rode a bike 骑自行车。

ride a horse---rode a horse 骑马。

hurt my foot---hurt my foot 我的脚受伤。

take pictures---took pictures 照相。

buy gifts---bought gifts 买礼物。

eat fresh food---ate fresh food 吃新鲜的食物。

fall off---fell off 从…摔倒。

licked (lick的过去式)舔。

could (can的过去式)能及其过去式。


重点语法】 一般疑问句,把did提前。

did you help your parents clean the room ? 当句子变为一般疑问句,动词应还原)

yes , i did ./no, i didn’t .

特殊疑问句 : 疑问词+did+主语+v原形+其它?

1. —where did you go on your holiday? 假期你去了**?

i went to xinjiang. 我去了新疆。

2. —what did you do on your holiday?你假期干了什么?

i sang and danced. 我即唱了歌又跳了舞。

3. —how did you go there? 你怎样去的?

i went by train. 我坐火车去的。

4.—when did you go? 你什么时候去的? —i went last monday. 我上周一去的。

重点句型】1. -what happened ? i fell off my bike and hurt my foot.


2. -are you all right? -i’m ok now. 你还好吧? 现在没事了。

3. where did you go over the winter holiday? 在寒假期间你去了哪儿?

4. it looks like a mule. 它看起来像头骡子。

5. -did you go to turpan? -yes, we did. 你们去过吐鲁番了吗? 是的,去了。

6. -hainan is far from here. how did you go there? 海南离这儿很远。你们怎么去的?

--we went there by plane. 我们坐飞机去那儿的。

7. sounds great! can i see your pictures sometime? 听上去不错!改天我能看看你的**吗?

8. come and look at my photos from the labour day holiday. 来看我劳动节假期的**。

9. -who did you go with? -my parents and my uncle. 你和谁一起去的? 我父母和我叔叔。

10. i saw lots of grapes and ate lots of mutton kebabs. 我看见了许多葡萄,吃了许多烤羊肉串。

11.--how was the beach? -it was beautiful. 沙滩怎么样? 它很美。

sat in a basket on the front of the bike. 马克斯坐在自行车前面的(车)筐里。

took pictures of the beautiful countryside. 我们拍了美丽乡村的**。



a plant___3. at home___

h**e a picnic___the box__

future___8. the head teacher__ 9. put...in___

plant___11. in space___12. in thelibrary__

13. h**elessons___14. under the sea __

15. onhigh mountains __16. on a small computer___

17. 背、提___18. 山,山脉___19.甚至___20.太空___


)1. in the future,school will be___space.

a. in

)2. we will h**e lessons with students __

other countries.

a. to b. from c. different

)3. we will h**e a___room.

a. read read

)4. students would like __a cookinglesson.

a. h**ing h**e

)5. in the future,__some robots in our school.

a. there willbe b. there will has c. there are

)6. _changes would you like to see in our home?

)7. _the future,we will h**e no homework.

a. at

) will plant___trees near the river.

of lots of lot of

) like to___a picnic.

) will h**e lessons with students from other___

c. countrys


)1. what will schools be like in the future?

)2. what changes would you like tosee in ourschool?

) will help us find books in the library?

) you like to be a head teacher?

) often will the students h**e a picnic?

help us find books.

be under the sea,evenin space.

to.like to see many trees and flowers in our school.



at, on, of, to, in

name down___apiece___*****.



writing a letter___hisfriend.


year ago, life was___same/different).

other things in schools.

h**e___cooking/cook) lessons in our school.

___use/used) computers in all our school.

will be __in/on) a computer.


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