
发布 2020-08-08 03:31:28 阅读 9981


listening part(听力部分)

i. listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。) 更多免费资源**绿色圃中小学教育网 课件|**|试卷。

) 1. a. this morning b. this afternoon c. this evening d. this weekend

) 2. a .tonight b. tomorrow c. today d. last night

) 3. a. story-book b. picture book c. word book d. comic book

) 4. a. next thursday b. next saturday tuesday d. next wednesday

) 5. office shop c. post card. d. theme park

ii. listen and choose(听对话,选择恰当的答语。)

) 1. shop. b. bookstorec. shoe store

) 2. a. read books. b. visit grandparents. c. take a trip.

) 3. a. play sports. b. read the new books. c. visit her aunt.

) 4. a. supermarket. b. shoe storec. cinema.

) 5. a. a word book . b. some story-books. c. some comic books

iii. listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,把句子补充完整。)

1. i’m going to the great wall

2. i’llthis weekend. they live on the farm.

3. i’m going to buy a newthis afternoon.

4. sarah is going toin renmin park.

5. i am going tosome beautiful le**es.

iv. listen and judge. (听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,正确写“√”否则写“×”

) 1. i’m going to the great wall on the national day.

) 2. i’m going there with my grandparents.

) 3. grandpa has a farm.

) 4. there aren’t any horses on it.

) 5. i’m going to the farm by plane.

writing part(笔试部分)

i. read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)

) 1. a. time b. morning c. afternoon d. evening

) 2. a. cinema b. dictionary c. library d. hospital

) 3. a. magazine b. post card c. tonight d. comic book

) 4. a. tomorrow b. this weekend c. next week d. yesterday

) 5. a. do b. am c. isd. are

ii. read and choose(读一读,选出正确的答案)更多免费资源**绿色圃中小学教育网 课件|**|试卷。

) are you going to do this afternoon?

a. i’m going to buy a book. b. i’m a student.

c. i go to school by bike. d. are you a teacher?

i’m going to buy an english book.

you h**e comic book? b. what are you going to buy?

c. this afternoond. i’m going to plant trees.

) 3.--are you going to buybooks?

-yes. i want to buycomic books.

a. some, any b. any, some c. any, any d. some, some

)4. where are you going this afternoon?

a. i’m going to buy some comic books. b. i’m going to the bookstore.

c. can i help youd. i’m going to visit my aunt. (5

-this afternoon.

a. where are you goingb. what are you going to do?

c. when are you goingd. what’s your name?

) 2:00. the boyson the playground.

a. run b. running c. are running d. run

) week?

a. do;do b. are;doing c. does, does, are d.; going to do

) you going to the park with

a. i b. hec. med. my

) going to buy some bookscar.

a. for b. withc. about d. by

) going tothe great wall next week.

a. visit b. visits c. visiting d. is visiting

iii. read and choose (读句子,选出正确的答语。) 更多免费资源**绿色圃中小学教育网 课件|**|试卷。

)1. what are you going to doa. by train.

)2. when are you goingb. take a trip.

)3. where are you goingc. yes, i am.

)4. how do you go to the zood. at 3 o’clock.

)5. are you going to use any books? e. i’m going to beijing.


1.--what’s hedo)now? hewrite) a letter.

familybe)going to __get) together and h**e a big dinner.

3.--whatbe) tomdo) next week?

-hesee) a film.

4.—can yousing)?-yes, i can.

5.—wherebe)she going next mouth?

--she is going togo) to japan.

v. read and connect to become a sentence. (连词成句)

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