
发布 2020-08-08 03:33:28 阅读 3774




watch wash swim play visit

dogo read am/is h**e


1.上周末 clothes

3.去游泳 grandparents

5.去钓鱼 to music

7.去郊游 football

9.看电视 to the park


1. he w to a park yesterday.

2. i c my room last weekend.

3. did you help them c their room?

4. did lucy w tv last sunday?

5. last saturday, candy vher uncle.

6. what did you d last weekend?

7. she r a book last night.

8. he went syesterday.

9. it w my father’s birthday last sunday.

10. we w___fishing yesterday


)1. —did you help me clean my room ?

yes, i .

a. didb. doc. does

)2. —what did lisa do yesterday?

she to music.

a. listensb. listenc. listened

)3. he into the lake andto it.

a. jump, swam b. jumped, swam c. jumped, swimed

)4. did john football yesterday?

a. playb. playedc. plaied

)5. tomvery busy yesterday.

a. didb. wasc. were

)6. lisa usually her homework after dinner.

a. doesb. doc. did

)7. did you swimming last weekend?

a. gob. goesc. went

)8. the girl was grateful

a. for meb. to mec. of me

)9. hethe clothes yesterday.

a. didn't wash b. didn't washed c. don't washed

)10. they __english last night.

a. studyb. studiedc. studied


1. did, what, weekend, do, mike, last (?

2. your, read, did, father, news*****s, yesterday (?

3. went, i, to, park, a, last, sunday (.

4. jumped, the, into, lake, he (.

5. with, wang ping, his, played, friends, last, football, weekend (.


hello, i am bob. i was very busy last weekend. i visited my grandparents.

they live in jilin. my father and i went there by bus. it was my grandpa's birthday.

i cooked noodles for them and i helped them do housework. on sunday morning,

we went back home. in the evening, i went to the cinema with my parents. i was

碧芝”的成功归于他的唯一,这独一无二的物品就吸引了各种女性的眼光。very happy.

)1. bob visited his grandparents last weekend.


( 2. they went jilin by car.

)3. it was bob's grandfather's birthday.

标题:上海发出通知为大学生就业—鼓励自主创业,灵活就业 2024年3月17日( )4. bob went back home last saturday.

)5. bob went to the cinema last sunday morning.


played, to, got, saw, watched, went, bought, had, was, cooked )

关于diy手工艺制品的消费调查yesterday my birthday. my father up early anda big birthday cake for me. my mothernoodles for me.

i was grateful

my parents. then weto a zoo. ithe monkeys, elephants, tigers, deers and so on.

in the afternoon, ifootball with my friends. in the evening, igood food andtv with my parents. i was very happy.






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