
发布 2020-04-10 20:07:28 阅读 6782


课时目标。1. 能听、说、认读单词“often”和“park”。

2. 能听懂、会说句子“do you often read books in this park?”,i like this park very much.

”,me too.”。

3. 能完成“let’s try”部分的听力任务。

4. 感知英语在日常生活中的实用性,鼓励学生学习有用的英语。

教学重点。1. 能听、说、认读单词“often”和“park”。

2. 能听懂、会说句子“do you often read books in this park?”,i like this park very much.

”,me too.”。

教学难点。1. 能灵活运用句型“do you often …?询问他人的日常活动并作出相应的回答。

2. 单词“often”表示的频率。

教学准备。1. 教师准备多**课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。

2. 学生准备人物头饰、画笔和画纸。


1. free talk

t: hello, everyone. nice to meet you.

ss: nice to see you, too.

t: how are you today?

ss: very well, thank you.

t: s1, what do you often do on the weekend?

s1: i often …

t: s2, what do you often do on the weekend?

s2: i often …

2. 教师请两三组学生上讲台表演“b. let’s learn”部分的对话。


1. 教师说单词,如“play”,学生快速说出相应的短语,如“play football”。

2. 教师随机说出上一节课学习的词组,全班学生做相应的动作。


b. let’s talk

1. 教学新单词。

1) 教师说:“do you know what i like doing? i like reading books.

i often read books. i read books on mondays, wednesdays thursdays, saturdays and sundays. do you often read books?

what do you often do?”,由此引出单词“often”。

2) 教师用出示“公园”的**,引出单词“park”。

3) 师生用“唱反调”的方式操练新单词。

4) 教师出示下列句式,学生根据实际情况造句子:i oftenin the park.

2. 教师把生词写在黑板上,带领学生读几遍。带读时要注意把单词“ms”的音读准。

3. 介绍对话情景。

t: it’s saturday afternoon. zhang peng and sarah are in the park.

they are talking now. let’s listen to the tape and see what they’re talking about.

4. 第一次**教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。第二次**教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面问题:

what’s that in sarah’s hand?

does sarah often read books in the park?

what does zhang peng often do in the park?

do they like the park?


it’s a story-book.

no, she doesn’t.

he often plays football.

yes, they do.



5. 学生拿出人物头饰,同桌合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“最佳表演者”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。

四、巩固延伸(consolidation & extension)

1. b. let’s try

1) 明确听力任务。

2) 第一次**教学录音,学生根据录音内容完成练习。

3) 第二次**教学录音,师生一起核对答案。

2. 你说我做。

教师请一位学生上讲台说出自己周末的活动,其余学生做出相应的动作。如学生说:“i often play football on the weekend.


3. 课堂练习——选择正确的翻译:

) 我们星期一上语文课和数学课。

a. we h**e rice and fish on mondays.

b. we h**e chinese and maths on mondays.

) 我星期六经常在图书馆看书。

a. i often read books in the library on saturdays.

b. i often play football with my friends on saturdays.

) 你星期五晚上做什么?我看电视。

a. what do you do on friday evening? i listen to music.

b. what do you do on friday evening? i watch tv.

4. check the answer

b, ②a, ③b




1. 听录音,跟读b. let’s talk部分内容。

2. 把本节课学习的生词在四线三格内抄写六遍。

板书设计。unit 2 my week

b. let’s try b. let’s talk

often park do you often read books in this park?

do you often play football here?

i like this park very much.

me too.


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