
发布 2024-03-04 00:20:09 阅读 7002


i.teaching content:let’s talk , talk and draw .

ii. teaching aims & demands




听、说、认读句型there be...并能在情境中正确运用。



iii. key points

there be 句型。

iv. difficult points

there is 和 there are 的区分。

v. teaching methods

situation approach communicative approach

aids cards tape recorder

vii. teaching process

step 1 课前准备。



step 2 greeting

step 3 warm-up (滚雪球)

eg: in my room i h**e a trash bin .

in my room i h**e a trash bin and a mirror .

in my room i h**e a trash bin、a mirror and a closet .

step 4 revision : words and important sentences

step 5 lead in : we will learn “my new room” in this unit . do you h**e your room ?

now, let’s look at sarah’s room .

step 6 presentation

(1)listen to the tape about the dialogue .

(2)explain the dialogue .

(3)listen to the tape and follow it .

(4)read the dialogue by yourselves .

(5)ask the ss to practice the dialogue with their partners .

step 7 consolidation

(1)talk and draw:学生1描述房间的物品,学生2根据学生1的描述画出相应的房间,最后看描述与绘画的结果是否一致,可在小组内进行练习。

step 8 homework & goodbye

(1)write the important sentences .

(2)make their own sentences about “ there be ”

(3)use the dialogue in the actual life .

viii. blackboard design

unit5 my new room

i h**e my own room now.

what’s it like ?

there is a big closet, a new air-conditioner and a new mirror.

there are blue curtains.

ix. teaching reflection

本课时主要通过“let’s talk”部分的对话替换新学单词,并学习新句型“there be”,是学生不仅能运用h**e描述拥有某物,更能表达在某地存在、有某人某物,使学生不只局限于一种表达方式,拓展其思维。课上要让学生多读多进行替换练习,才能使其更熟练的掌握句型。


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