
发布 2024-03-04 00:20:09 阅读 9075

unit 1 what’s he like ?



2.能听懂、会说句子“do you know mr young?”,he’s our music teacher.”,i likefunny teachers.”。

3.能听懂、会唱歌曲“who’s your teacher?”。

4.能完成“let’s try”部分的听力任务。5.



2.能听懂、会说句子“do you know mr young?”,he’s our music teacher.

”,i likefunny teachers.”。教学难点】1.





1. free talk t: hello, boys and girls.

ss: hello, teacher. t:

how are you today? ss:fine, thank you.

and you? t: i’m fine, too.


this is a picture of my mother. she’s tall and thin. she’s beautiful andpolite.

二、课前预习(preview)1.教师拿出单词old, young, kind, strict, funny的词卡,然后随机展示词卡,学生迅速说出与词卡中单词相对应的汉语意思。2.

教师请五位学生上讲台抽词卡,然后五位学生根据所抽到的词卡依次表演,其他学生根据表演猜单词。三、新课呈现(presentation)a. let’s talk

1.教学单词“know”和“our” (1)教师用多**课件出示一些学生熟悉的**人物,如大耳朵图图、汤姆和杰瑞、喜羊羊和灰太狼等等,然后与学生进行对话,如:t:

who’s he? (教师边问边指着大耳朵图图的**) ss: he’s tutu.

t: yes, he’s tutu. weknowhe’教师再次仿照上面的对话和学生聊一聊其他**人物,帮助学生在语境中了解单词“know”的意思。

(2)教师用学生已经学过的代词因此单词“our”,如:i→we my→our

2.介绍对话中的主要人物——mr young教师用多**课件出示mr young的**,与学生进行对话,如:t:

look at the man in the picture. is he young? ss:

no, he isn’ is he old? ss: yes, he is.

t: do you know his name? ss:

no, we don’t t: he hasan interesting name. he’s old, but his name is mr young.

3.介绍对话情景t: wu yifan andoliver are now talking about mr young.

let’sread the dialogue after the tape and know more about mr young.


①who is mr young?②is mr young old or young?③doesoliver like funny teachers?

answer:①he’sthe music teacher.②he’s old.

③yes,he does.回复举报admin 5#楼主|发表于2014-10-17 01:32:

01 |只看该作者第三次**教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中药注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。


6. talk about your teachers. (1)学生同桌合作,一人用简笔画画出各科老师的图像,一人在对应图像旁边写出老师的姓名、所教的科目以及性格特征。

(2)请两位学生站起来示范读对话。s1: who’s your english teacher?

s2: miss white. s1:

is she kind?s2: yes, she is.

(3)学生同桌合作,仿照示例编写相似的对话。(4)教师请两三对学生上讲台表演对话,表扬表演到位的学生。四、巩固延伸(consolidation & extension)

1. a. let’s try (1)明确听力任务t:

wu yifan and oliver see mr li. look at the picturebelow. listen and tick.


2.小调查教师把单词old, young, kind, strict, funny的词卡贴在黑板上,提问:what kind of teacher do you like?


3.课堂练习——选择填空your art teacher? -what’sb. where’sc. who’s ()

yes, i doa. where is he from? b.

do you knowmrs black? c. is he kindwho is that girl?

-a. he is my teacher. b.

she is my friend. c. heis my friend.

(she’sscience our c. he ( i h**eenglish teachera. the 3.

check the answer①c,②b,③b,④a,⑤a五、课堂小结(summary)


1.听录音,跟读a. let’s talk部分内容。


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