
发布 2024-03-01 18:25:06 阅读 6371

part a let’s learn , let’s do教学设计。

教学内容unit 3 at the zoopart a let’s learn , let’s do .教学目标。

知识目标:能听、说、认读big, small, long, short, tall,五个形容词,并能在适当的情景中运用。

能力目标:能听清形容词,听懂make yourself tall.…的指令,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。


让学生能够掌握big, small, long, short, tall五个形容词。教学难点。

学生能灵活运用big / small / long/ short / tall,将这几个形容词运用到简单的英语句子中表达。让学生在听、说、做、动的过程中,掌握知识,并灵活地运用。教学过程。

step 1warm-up / revision

1. greetings(问候).good to meet you.

2. what’s your name? my name’s….

/i’m….3. how old are you ?

i’m….4. where are you from?

i’m from….

5. play a game.(guess the animals.

)t : listen to me, children . guess what it is .

it has a long nose . it has big ears and a short tail .(do the actions to translate these sentences .

p : it’s an elephant . t :

yes , it is .

设计意图:练习日常口语,提高对知识的再现率,并且为接下来学习形容词作铺垫,让学生的注意力迅速集中到课堂中来。step 2presentation

1. take out a small ball . and write“ball”on the blackboard .

t : look at this ball . is it small or big ?

do the actions to translate these sentences .)p : small .

t : yes . it’s small .(write“small”on the blackboard .)

then teach them“small”. lead in the word“small”from“a smallball”. 2.

show them a piece of picture of“big pig”. and write“pig”on theblackboard .

t : the pig is big . write“big”on the blackboard .)

then teach them“big”. lead in the word“big”from“a big pig”.3.

compare the tails of monkey with rabbits . teach students“long, short”.

write“long, short”on the blackboard .)

teach the words in sentences . for example ,“monkey has a long tail

rabbit has a short tail .”

practise the pronounce of“long , short”. pay attention to the pronounce

of“o”【】and“orteach them“tall , short”by this way .4. students point to the words in

lets learn”and read follow the tape-recorder .


step 3 practice1. game .

t : now , let’s play a game . how to play ?

listen to me , please .i say long, you say short. i say tall, you say short….

understand?p : yes .

pay attention to the pronounce of these words .

设计意图:游戏的加入,使课堂充满趣味性,且集体游戏可以提高学生的积极参与性。2. let’s do .

students do actions follow teacher and read the sentences after the tape. practise for two times .

3. t:please do actions furrow my orders .

big , big , big ! make your eyes big ! student do action .

)small , small , small ! make your eyes small !(student do action .

)tall , tall , tall ! make yourself tall ! student do action .

)4. consolidation .

t : can you draw ?

now let’s play a game .i say , you draw .please take out a piece of ***** .

draw follow my orders . now ,i’m chen jie . i am tall .

i h**e long hairi h**e big eyes .i h**e a small nosei h**e a big mouth .


5.t : can you describe your deskmate ?please introduce your deskmate to us .

students practice for some minutes .t : who want introduce your deskmate to us ?

设计意图:让学生观察身边的事物来谈谈。既提高了学生的学习兴趣,也巩固了单词的应用。step 4 homework

describe yourself to your parents using the words we learned today .


第一课时。课时目标 1.能听 说 认读三个形容词tall,short,fat,并能简单运用他们对物品进行描述。2.能听 说 认读giraffe 3.能用形容词描述自己所画得动物 人或其他物品。教学重难点 1.重点 准确掌握形容词tall short fat的读音和意思。2,难点 正确区分高矮胖瘦的含...

三年级 Unit3Atthezoo

1 根据首字母的提示,补充下列单词,并说出其意思。c t mo key chi d mi k b ar lo g t ger z 二 选出不同类的一项。三 写出相应的小写字母。c u i m q v l e n x r t 四 将下列句子排成通顺的对话。20分 a.迈克和他的妈妈一起去了动物园 i ...


a let s talk,draw and say 教学目标 1 知识目标 1 能听懂 会说look at that my.以及it s so 句型。2 能听懂 会说单词giraffe,理解so,wow,ha的意。思及用法。2 能力目标 能灵活运用句型look at that.it s so 来描述...