
发布 2023-11-27 04:45:05 阅读 1569


课时内容。b. start to read; let’s check; let’s sing. c. story time

课时分析 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上,进行的练习测试与故事阅读课。

start to read部分包括两个活动,第一个活动find and say. 教材展示了很多玩具,画面符合孩子的兴趣点,但略有些杂乱。学生需要在这些纷乱的玩具**中找到字母aa, bb, cc, dd。

这是一个复习字母的字形的活动。接下来的read and tick活动中,教材先呈现了六个颜色单词,在单词下方有八个颜料桶,学生需要根据上面的颜色单词在相应的颜料桶上打勾。这个活动考查了学生是否能够认读和理解颜色类词汇。


let’s check部分也包括两个活动,第一个活动listen and tick or cross中,学生会听到四组对话。他们需要判断所听的内容是否与**呈现的内容相符。这检验了学生能否听懂本单元的重点句式与对话。

第二个活动match and colour,学生要将中间的八个颜色单词与旁边的八种颜色连线,并把单词及颜料筒上面都涂上相应的颜色。这个活动检验了学生能否认读并理解这些颜色类单词。

let’s sing部分提供了一个歌曲colour song, 也是一首经典英文儿童歌曲。歌曲中呈现了red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange and blue七种颜色,以及单词:rainbow。


story time展示了一个发生在zoom和zip之间的有趣的故事。zoom和zip早上在花园里见面了。他们互相打招呼问好,复习了本单元的重点句式:

good morning. 学习了同朋友问好用的句式:how are you?

fine, thank you. 然后zoom开始摘取各种颜色的花朵,复习了各种颜色的单词。最后zip发现花园里挂着禁止摘花的标志,并提醒了zoom。


课时目标。1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。

2. 能够听懂故事,并表演。

3. 能够会唱歌曲colour song。

4. 能够完成阅读、判断、连线等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。




2. 难点:


教学准备。1. 多**课件、录音机、磁带。

2. 故事中两个主要人物的头饰、颜色图卡。

教学过程。step 1 warm up

1. **歌曲:abc songs。学生一起跟唱,并做字母操。

teacher: let’s listen to a song. sing the song together. let’s do the actions together.


step 2 lead in

1. 你能发现什么?呈现教材19页find and say的**,让学生从中找出字母,看他们能找到多少。

teacher:look at this picture. can you find the letters? say them.

say them.


2. 乱序出示组成单词的字母,请学生猜出单词。最后呈现zip的名字。

teacher: look at these letters. put them in order, you can see a word.

look at these four letters. it’s the word book. guess, what word is this?

teacher: what about these three letters? what word is this? it’s a name. it’s zip.


step 3 presentation

1. 导读,引入故事,**故事**,学生认真观察。

teacher: where is zip? let’s watch a story about zip. watch carefully.

2. 展示故事**,与学生讨论故事的内容。

teacher: what zoom pick? yes, he picks flowers.

(展示花朵的**)read after me, flowers. what colour are the flowers? this is a red flower.

this is a yellow flower. this is a blue flower. what does zip see?

yes, she sees a picture. can zoom pick the flowers? no, he can’t.

zoom is wrong.

3. 再次**故事,学生跟读,提醒学生注意语音及语调。

teacher: watch the story again. read with it.

3. 学生自由读故事。

teacher: read the story freely.


step 4 practice

1. 两人合作,表演故事。

teacher: now, let’s act the story out. we’ll find the best pair.


2. let’s sing. 学唱歌曲。

teacher: the flowers are beautiful. look, what colour is it?

(展示一条红色的拱形,是组成彩虹的一条颜色带)yes, it’s red. (逐一呈现彩虹的七种颜色,最后合并成一条完整的彩虹。学生一直回答这七种颜色的名称)oh, how beautiful.

it’s a rainbow. boys say with me, rainbow. girls read after me, rainbow.

let’s listen to a song about the rainbow. (**歌曲)

teacher:let’s listen to the song again and sing with it. (学生跟唱)

teacher:let’s sing the song together.

teacher:sing the song and show the colours. (学生边唱歌曲边出示相应颜色的彩笔)


3. (1)完成start to read中的read and tick活动。

teacher:you know so many colours. look at the colours here.

(出示教材**)please find the correct colour and tick them.

teacher:show me your answer, please.

2) 完成教材20页let’s check中match and colour活动。

teacher:you did a very good job. can you match the colour and the words?

look at the picture and words. match them, and colour them.

teacher: show me your answer, please.


5. 完成let’s check中的listen and tick or cross活动。

teacher: (先带学生熟悉题目中的**内容,为完成听力练习做准备)(出示第四幅的国旗)what colour can you see? i see引导学生用完整的句子答出旗子的颜色)what can you see in picture 1?

who are they in picture 2? who are they in picture 3?

teacher: now you should listen to four dialogues. then look at the picture, tick or cross according the dialogue you hear.

teacher: show me your answer, please.

teacher: can you act the dialogue?



step 5 summary

**歌曲colour song学生齐唱。

teacher: we know many colours and we see many colours in this lesson. let’s sing the colour song together.



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