
发布 2023-08-06 19:40:33 阅读 2947


课时内容。a. let’s talk. draw and say.

课时分析 let’s talk仍然是情景对话呈现部分。miss white向mr. jones介绍另外一个老师miss green。

呈现了介绍他人的句式:this is ..以及早上及上午向他人打招呼问好的句子:

good morning。 问好的good morning学生们应该非常熟悉,需要注意的是他们的发音是否准确。this is ..


draw and say活动中sarah和wu yifan分别画了miss green和mr jones的画像,然后拿着画像向大家介绍,使用句式:this is miss green. 在实际教学中还可以让学生站到自己的好朋友面前来介绍,也可以使用多**课件提供人物画面来介绍,还可以鼓励学生使用**、手偶等道具来操练句式。

课时目标。1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型:this is ..good morning.

2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用good morning来向别人问好。

3. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用this is ..来介绍他人。

4. 能够大胆表达,乐于使用英语与他人进行交流。


1.重点。能够听懂、会说、认读句型: this is ..good morning.

能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用good morning来向别人问好。

2. 难点。

能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用this is ..来介绍他人。


教学准备。1. 多**课件、录音机、磁带。

2. 教材人物**或头饰、手偶、学生**。

教学过程。step 1 warm up


teacher:look at the picture. who’s this?

she is sarah. please say hello to sarah. hello, sarah.

and he is mike. say hello to mike, please.

2. 齐说韵句:hello, sarah, hi, hi, hi. 教师出示教材中人物的**,学生据此向他们打招呼,说韵句。

teacher:let’s chant to say hello to them.

hello, sarah, hi, hi, hi. hello, mike, hi, hi, hi. hello, john, hi, hi, hi.

hello, chen jie, hi, hi, hi. hello, miss white, hi, hi, hi.


step 2 lead in

1.出示早上miss white在校园里的**。讨论**。

teacher:look,who’s this? this is miss white.

look at the sun. (指向**中的太阳,让学生明白意思)it’s morning. (显示三幅**,分别代表早上、下午、晚上,让学生能够明确morning的意思)this is morning.

it’s morning.(板书单词)read after me, morning. this line, read it one by one, please.

2. 使用good morning. 向miss white打招呼。

teacher: it’s morning. let’s say hello to miss white.

please say good morning. that means we wish miss white has a good time in the morning. say with good morning.

(板书句子:good morning)boys say good morning to miss white, please.

设计意图:利用多**的辅助,让学生能够直观地理解morning的意思。通过让学生给教材人物问好的活动,让学生理解good morning的正确用法。

step 3 presentation

1. 展示教材**,讨论**人物,请学生猜测人物的身份。**课文内容,学生倾听。

teacher:this is miss white. who’s this?

and who’s this? what do they do? let’s listen to the tape.

2. 讨论对话内容。

teacher:who’s this? this is mr jones. this is miss green. they says good morning.



step 4 practice

1. 展示对话中主要人物的**,学生向他们问好,保证学生能够正确地说出他们的名字。

teacher: boys and girls, say good morning to the teachers, please. good morning, miss white.

good morning, miss green. good morning, mr jones.



2. 再次**课文录音。学生跟读课文。

teacher: boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue after the tape. please listen carefully, read carefully.

3. 学生分角色朗读课文。

teacher: now, who wants to be miss white? who wants to be miss green?

who wants to be mr jones? let’s read the dialogue in roles.

4. 请学生戴上头饰来扮演对话的角色,表演对话。

teacher: now we’ll find the best actor or actress. please come to the front and show the dialogue.



teacher:now you are miss white. you are miss green.

please find a friend and introduce miss green to your friend. say like this: ***, this is miss green.

good morning, miss green. good morning, ***.



6. 请学生带着朋友介绍给老师。

teacher:who is your friend? please show me your friend. introduce your friend to me.


step 5 summary

1. 请学生展示自己朋友的**或自己画的**,向大家介绍自己的朋友。其他同学向其问好。

teacher:show us the picture of your friend. other students say good morning to him or her.

2. 展示部分**,请学生一起说唱韵句,总结本课重点,结束课程。

teacher:look at these friends. let’s chant.

this is ***. this is ***.

good morning. good morning.

good morning, ***.



) 1. this isa. miss white b. miss green

) 2. this isa. miss green b. mr jones

) 3. this isa. sarah b. mike

) 4. this isa. john b. wu yifan


) 1. this is miss white2. this is john.

) 3. this is wu yifan4. this is sarah.



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