
发布 2023-11-10 23:10:02 阅读 5194




1)会读会写下列生词: surf , shop, exercise,2)了解并且掌握频率副词的用法。









1.(1)go to the movies去看电影 (2) watch tv看电视 (3)take/do exercise锻炼

4).surf the internet上网 (5).play soccer踢足球 (6). do homework做作业

2.(1).do some reading 阅读 (2)do some shopping 购物 (3)do some cleaning 打扫

3.(1) go shopping去购物 (2). go skateboarding去滑板 (3) go shopping 购物。

(4) go swimming 去游泳

4.(1)hardly ever很少 (2)once a week每周一次 (3)twice a month每月两次

4). three times a year 每年三次 (5)every day 每天 (6). on weekends 在周末

7). once or twice a week 每周一两次 (8). three or four times a week 每周三四次。

5.(1).your f**orite program你最喜欢的节目 (2).animal world 动物世界


) like english very much,so ilisten to the tape in the morning.

)2.—what does your father do in the evening?—he usually

books )3do you go skating?— every day.

often many

)4. most students in my class __exercise every day.

b. do c.is doing d. are doing

)5students in your class are from beijing? -only one.

a.how often b.how many c.how much

)6.- do your grandparents come to see you? -twice a week.

a.how often b. how many c.when

)7. whatshe __on weekends?

do does c.do, do d.does, do

)8 the old man is well because he often

a. exercises b. drinks c. sleeps d. plays

)9.—how often does he exercise

a. he is twelve exercises by bus a week one hour.

)10. katrina reads english books threefour times a week.

a. atb. inc. tod. of

) 11. do you like to go

a. skateboard b. to skateboarding c. a skateboarding d. skateboarding


一) 句型转换。

1、he does his homework every day.

1) 否定句。hehis homework every day.

2) 一般疑问句hehis homework every day?

2、he goes skateboarding twice a week.(提问)

he goes skateboarding?

3、lin tao always helps me with my chinese. (对划线部分提问)

does lin tao help you with your chinese?

4. tom goes to bed at ten in the evening. (改为否定句)

tomto bed at ten in the evening.

二)mary is an american girl. she is now in beijing with her parents. mary doesn't know much chinese, but she is studying it.

she often speaks chinese with her chinese friends. sometimes they can't understand her, because she can't speak chinese very well. it's saturday morning.

she goes out. she is walking in the street. she wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, but she doesn't know how to get there.

she asks a chinese boy the way. the boy can't understand her. then she takes out a pen and a piece of *****.

she draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. the boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.

)1. mary is

a. chinese b. english c. japanese d. american

)2. mary is inwith her parents now.

a. shanghai b. beijing c. new york d. london

)3. mary doesn't know how to get to

a. the zoo b. the park c. her home d. her school

)4. mary can't speakvery well.

a. english b. england c. china d. chinese

)5. at last the boy

a. can understand mary's chinese b. takes her to the zoo

c. shows her the way to the zoo d. draws a picture for mary, too

第2课时 section a 3—4



1.词汇: 本课的单词与短语


important points】 能运用本课词汇及句型进行自由交际对话。

difficult points】一般现在时态的熟练运用。

learning process】


task 1. 课前热身:词汇比拼。

1)个人记读单词3分钟 (2)两人一组相互检查读音(3)展示,写在学案上。





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