
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 3277


unit 2 part a let’s learn



本教材基于人教版(pep)小学英语六年级上册unit 2 part a let’s learn主要内容是讲述简单的指路问路的英语表达和常用地名的的简单用法。本课的主要重点是掌握cinema, post office, hospital, bookstore, science museum五个短语。重点句型:

“where is …?it’s near\in front of\behind…”的用法。”根据此目标和重点、难点,我采用活动途径,倡导参与教学,根据小学生的心理生理特点及学习特征,利用任务型教学让小学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作**等活动方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。





1、能力目标:能够在实际情境中正确使用询问路线的语言并能简单回答,如:where is the library? it’s near the post office.


、能够听、说、读、写单词hospital、cinema、post office、bookstore,能够听、说、认读science museum。

、能够听、说、认读句型where is the library? it’s near the post office.并能进行关键词的替换。





1.重点:掌握let’s learn部分的四会单词和短语。





step1: preparation

and do .


2. free talk

t: just now we play a game, if you can go to school by ship or train. can you?

s: no, we can’t.

t: then, how do you go to school?

s1: i go to school on foot.

t: can you spell foot?

s1: yes, f-o-o-t, foot.

t: how do you go to canada?

s2: i go by plane.

t: can you spell plane?

s2: yes, p-l-a-n-e, plane.

设计意图:利用free talk的形式为学生提供语言交际的机会,通过让学生说说以何种交通方式到某个地方,巩固复习学过的单词和句子,并为学习新课奠定基础)

3. make a queue

t: i’d like to go to lianhu park today. who wants to come with me?

s: me, me… (t finds three students to come to the board and asks them who they are)

t: (asks the three students to make a queue) then where is...

s: she\he is in front of...writes in front of on the board)

t: where is...

s: he\she is behind ..writes behind on the board)

t: where is ..

s: she\he is near ..writes near on the board)

设计意图:通过创设排队这一情景,让学生通过参与、体验等活动,总结归纳以前所学方位词的用法,并练习where is...这一句型,为下面展开新课做好铺垫)

4. find the park.

t: i want to go to the park, but i don’t know where the park is. who can help me?

i am at school now. i will start from here.

s: i can.

t: excuse me, how can i get to the park?

s: you can go on foot.

t: can i go there by bus?

s: no,it’s near.

t: thank you.

t points at the pictures)

t: i can go on i go by bus what will the bus will do, if the traffic light is red?

s: stop at the red light.

t: if the light is yellow?

s: wait at the yellow light.

t: if the light is green?

s: go at the green light.


step2: presentation

the new words

1) t: the park is very beautiful, but i h**e to send a letter to my friend now. where should i go?

(t points to the pictures), can i go to a cinema?

s: no.

t: a hospital?

s: no.

t: a post office?

s: yes.

设计意图:通过帮助老师送信这一情景,在板书和**的帮助下,引导学生帮助老师找到post office,同时利用方位介词确定post office 的方位,自己总结出本课所学核心句型。详见所附ppt**)

2)t: i h**e sent the letter. i want to buy a new book now, where should i go?

s: bookstore.

t: yes, but where is the bookstore?

s: it’s behind the post office. (学生根据内容回答,详见ppt)


3)t: i feel bad now. (教师做不舒服状) i h**e a cold.

i h**e to go to the hospital. where is the hospital, can you help me?

s: it’s in front of the post office.


4)t: i’m ok now. i want to see a film, where should i go?

s: cinema.

t: yes, a cinema, but how can i find the cinema? what should i say?

s1:excuse me. where is the cinema, please?

s2: it’s behind the park.

s3: it’s near the bookstore.

t: (t points to the pictures) behind the park, near the book store, it’s the …

s: cinema.

t: good job.

t: do you know dinosaur? they’re very big.

if you want to visit dinosaur show, where should you go?

s: science museum.

t: museum is a difficult word. let’s read it once again.

ss: museum.

t: remember you are a stranger here. what will you say?

s1: where is the science museum, please?

s2: it’s near the hospital.

s3: it’s in front of the park.

t: (t points to the board) near the hospital, in front of the park?

s: it’s the science museum.


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