
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 1638


小学英语pep5unit4 awhat can you do?教学设计。


教材分析。本课内容是以pep小学英语第五册第四单元a部分的第一课为蓝本来设计,是一堂英语与信息技术整合的课,主要学习有关housework的词组,以及运用i can ….句型来介绍自己力所能及的事情及what can you do?

&can you…?句型来询问别人的能力,并在此基本上培养学生自主学习和独立运用所学语言去做事情的能力。学情分析analysis of students

五年级的学生年龄处于10,11岁之间,形象思维与直观思维能力比较活跃,好奇心强,乐于表现,喜欢唱歌,喜欢玩游戏。勇于用学到的英语与人交流,总的来说,他们既有学习英语的浓厚兴趣,又有良好的记忆力与模仿能力,这为学习英语提供了心理和生理条件。教学目标teaching aims1、知识目标:

1)能听说认读写短语:cook the meals, water the flowers, sweep the floor, cleanthe bedroom,empty the trash.

2)能听懂,会说,会用:i’m helpful! i can sweep the floor.

3)能听懂说唱let’s chant部分的歌谣,初步熟悉句型:what can you do? i can…2、语言技能目标:

1)运用i can ….句型来介绍自己力所能及的事情。

2)基本能用what can you do? &can you…?句型来询问别人的能力。3、情感态度目标:


4、学习策略目标:积极运用所学的语言进行表达和交流;注意观察生活和**中使用的简单英语;鼓励自主、合作、**的学习行为。教学重点teaching key points:

掌握四会词组,听说认读写:cook the meals,sweep the floor,clean the bedroom,water theflowers,empty the trash.教学难点teaching difficulties:

听懂、会说句型:i’m can….并能在具体语境中运用。教学策略teaching & learning methods

教学法。2.**展示。3.多**课件。4.游戏教学法。教学过程teaching steps


step 1. greetings & are you?what day is it today?

what’s the weather like today? a song.“colour song”

do .(四年上册第一单元)open the door, turn on the light, sweep the floor, put up thepicture, clean the i can…what can you do?ss:

i can…

设计意图:打开学生的思维,引起孩子对生活各个方面的关注,通过以旧带新,制造一种轻松,愉快的课堂氛围,为接下来的学习作好铺垫。step 2.

presentation.1. let’s learn.

以一个学生的生活片段为线索,介绍她星期六的活动,学习新的语言点。picture 1:

t: look at this girl. what’s her name?

(xiao qinkuai).it’s saturday. in the morning,she gets goes to the living does she do ?

学生看图并回答:sweep the floor.教师教读音——在黑板上画简笔画(扫帚)教学生理解词组含义——男女生分组读——遮住几个字母what’s missing?

sw_ _p the fl_ _rpicture 2:

t:then what does she do?ss: water the flowers.

教师用动作解释water的两种含义,水,浇水。然后手绘简笔画,先画flowers然后画个水壶,教读:water the flowers.

边做动作边读。t: who can water the flowers?

ss: i can water theflowers.单个检查学生要求用i can…回答。

what’s missing? w_t _ thefl_ _erspicture 3:

t: then xiao qinkuai…?ss: empty the trash.


领读empty the trash. read : all——groups——single what’s missing?

emp_ _the tr_ shpicture 4.

t: then she goes to the does she do?


ss: clean the bedroom.

手绘床和床头柜,用抹布擦拭,学生说出词组。然后教师做,学生猜。clean the board,cleanthe door,clean the window,clean the desk,clean the chair,clean the floor.

重点理解clean的含义。picture 5:

t: now xiao qinkuai is can she go ?ss: kitchen.

t:look,what does she do?ss: cut the the meals.

解释meals的意思,手绘一口锅,教读词组。t:i can cook the about you?ss:…

t: i think she is helpful.(explain the meaning.

) she can…2. listen,point and and number.

is helpful look and the sentences.


step 3. consolidation and can remember. remember the phrases.

a game. two ss a to the teacher’s points at the points atthe chant.

john,john,what can you do?i can clean,clean the can you do?i can sweep,sweep the can you do?

i can water,water the can you do?i can cook,cook for can say.

the boy is can…what about you?



然后****,让学生自己写出这些活动。 to be a helpful children.


设计意图:让课堂所学的东西得以巩固。给学生机会提升学生的口语表达能力,并通过**让学生受到教育,争做一名助人为乐的好学生,学会帮助别人。step up.

a song.“i can help”



3 let s play 趣味操练 1 let s play 猜一猜 教师准备好英文卡片,每组的第一个同学上前来任选一张。抽卡片的同学只能做出一个动作,如扫地,请本组的同学猜一猜并说出英文sweep the floor,这时前面的同学就可以说 right i can 哪组用的时间最快 说的最准确,就...


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