
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 6270

第一课时 section a (1a---1c)






5.我认为他们很有趣,值得**they're fun to watch.



6. july is thehot) month in a year.

7. the cartoon movies are funwatch).

8. howgood) the boy studies english!

9. on water festival, the streets are alwayscrowd) with many people.

10. they will be backwatch) the races.


11. the bus was too crowded for me


12. i really like eating zongzitaste)


13. i wondernext year. (h**e)


14. mother sayssoon after work.


能力提升 v.根据句意及常识为下列各题选一个节日填空。

a. christmas b. national day c. teachers' day d. halloween e. april fool's day

15. atwe play a game called "trick or treat”.

16is the most important festival in western countries. it falls on december 25th.

17is on october ist in china. now every year on this day we h**e seven days off.

18. onsome people play tricks on each other.

19. september 10th is___on that day teachers can get many best wishes from their students.


20. li xiao went to singapore for his

a. vacation b. reason c. festival d. visit

21, -i'm going to hong kong in two weeks.


a. i think so b. good luck c. really d. sounds like fun

22. father made a promisei passed the examination he would buy me a new dictionary.

a. that b which c. whether d. if

23. the water festival in thailand isapril 13th15th.

a. up: to b. put: on c. similar: to d. from: to


24. he says, he will succeed. (改为宾语从句)

he sayswill succeed.

25. it's so pleasant to visit an old friend from time to time. (改为感叹句)

it is to visit an old friend from time to time.

26. we think she is fit for the job.(改为否定句)

weshefit for the job.

27. does tom do his homework carefully? we wonder. (合并为一句话)

we wondertomhis homework carefully.


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