
发布 2023-09-12 16:35:53 阅读 1163

unit 8 i’ll help clean up the city parks 导学案。

第一课时section a (1a-2c)

what to learn

1. 学会本节课的单词及词组。

2. 学会流畅的表达出自愿去做的事。

how to learn


2 .认真完成老师设计的课堂活动和任务。

let’s learn







being a volunteer is great! 对,当一个志愿者真是太好了。but how to be a volunteer?

volunteer today! 今天就成为志愿者吧!

discuss: what will you do if you are a volunteer?

for example: i’d help homeless people.

i’d like to

i’d like to

i will

i will

i could

i could


1. cheer up

i’d like to cheer up the sick kids.


如: many people cheered the red tem.许多观众为红队加油。

2).cheer 做名词用,以复数形式意思是“干杯,喝彩,万岁”

如:the children welcomed us with cheers. 孩子们欢呼这欢迎我们。

cheer up意为是动词短语,up是___词。

若宾语由代词充当,则应放在二者之间。如:cheer them up.

意为 “无家可归的”, 在名词词末或缀less变为否定形容词,如:1) help+ less=helpless : 意为“无助的”; 2) care+ less=careless意为“粗心的”;

3)hope+ less=hopeless“无望的4) use+ less=useless“无用的”;

you are, the more mistakes you’ll make. (careful)

3. put off 动词+副词短语。

1).we can’t put off ****** a plan.我们不能拖延制定计划。

2). the weather is bad, so we h**e to put off holding the sports meeting.


put off “推迟(会议,约会等)”,结构是代词做其语时应放在。


1).can you help me come up __ideas __****** money?

a. for; with b. with; for c .good; about d. on; to

2).you could givefood at a bank food.

a .in b. out c. to d. for

4).we had to put off __the meeting because the director couldn’t come back on time.

a. h**e b. to h**e c. h**ing d. had

5).young manfor your success.

a. set up b. cheer up c. put off d. put up

6).the classroom is dirty. could you help

a. to clean them upb. to clean up it

c. clean it upd. clean up it

let’s think


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