
发布 2023-11-15 17:30:03 阅读 9160

滨泉中学九年级英语学科导学案课题:unit8section a词汇第1课时主备:蔡成顺使用时间:

学法指导。1)能掌握以下单词:truck, picnic, whose, pink, rabbit, magazine,能掌握本课主要句型。




5.粉红色的(adj6. who (pron谁的7. value (nadj. )贵重的;宝贵的。



book is this?—itmary’s.




ia concert yesterday so itstillin the music hall.


4.所以它可能还在公园吗? soit stillat the park?

5.我认为一定有人捡到了它。i think somebodyit up.

6.现在我要给他们打**查明是否有人捡到了它。the aim:

i’ll call them nowhas

1. attend v.出席;参加【语境领悟】

i attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall.昨天我参加了一场**会,所以它或许还在**大厅里。*she joined the young pioneers.


will you join us in the discussion?你会参加我们的讨论吗?

we’ll take part in social practice during the summer vacation.暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。【妙辨异同】三个“参加”的不同attend

jointake part in

learninagroup,graspthekey words.



和某人一起做某事,其结构为根据上下文,in (doing) sth.也可以省去。


学以致用】mr. john invited many of his friends tohis take part inb. joinc.

join ind. attend2. belong to属于【语境领悟】

it must belong to carla.它一定属于卡拉。

the dictionary belongs to him. =the dictionary is his.那本词典是他的。【自主归纳】

belong to意为to是介词,后接___或表示“某物属于某人”。【妙辨异同】belong to sb.和be sb. ’s


1)belong to sb.意为“属于某人”,是个动词词组, to是介词,后接名词或人称代词的宾格形式。

2)be sb. ’s意为“是某人的”, be是个连系动词,其后应接名词的所有格形式或名词性物主代词形式。【学以致用】

lucy can’t find her sports bag. the one on the chair must belong to___a. herb.

hersc. shed. his②the notebook must be my friend’s.

(改为同义句)the notebook mustmy


1. the dictionary isvalue), but he lost it.

2. your bike can’tsteal). you must forget where you put it.

3. i’ll call him upmake) sure of it.

4. j. is a greatwrite). her novels are popular among people, especially youngpeople.

5. heattend) an important meeting last week.ⅱ.单项选择。

1.—_sweater is this?

i don’t know. please go and ask whob. whosec. whichd. whom

2. the boy___be jim, but i’m not sure.

a. can’tb. mightc. h**e tod. must

3. whenever he sees waste things, he always___and puts them in the dustbin(垃圾箱).a.

picks them upb. picks up themc. takes them upd.

takes up them

4. “the cd must be tom’s”means“the cd must___tom”.a.

take tob. live toc. belong tod.

get to

5. can you tell me___there’s a bookstore near here?

a. thatb. whatc. ifd. which教学反思。

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