
发布 2023-08-12 20:35:28 阅读 2723

unit 6 meet my family(第一课时)

part a let’s learn

1、教学内容:小学英语四年级上册unit 6 meet my family!第一课时,本单元的教学应充分利用unit 3 my friends旧知识,从而降低学习难度,并使知识得以循环巩固。


知识目标能够听说认读单词:family,parent,uncle,aunt,baby brother.

能力目标:能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭,如this is myuncle.




step 1 warm–up

t: good morning, boys and girls!ss:

good morning, teacher!t: how are you?

ss: fine, and you?t:

i’m fine.

t:there are some yes!

1: are you strong?ss: yes!

2: do you h**e a brother?ss: yes!

3: do you h**e a sister?ss: yes!

4:do you love your father?ss: yes!

t:i love my father and mother,do you love your fatherand mother?

ss: yes!

nowlet’slistentoasongaboutou***therandmother,ok ?

歌曲《i love my family》step 2 presentation

t:look! love you !(出示幻灯片)

it be ?词let’s spell together.


father and mother parents .what’s the meaning ?(师手指**帮助学生理解parent和parents的区别。

)教学单词parents .

出示父母**练习句型:they are my parents .出示uncle**。

t:look! he is my father’s brother ,who is he ?ss:叔叔!

t: yes! he’s my uncle .教读单词uncle .

t:uncleisyou***ther’sormother’ the meaning ?


i:guess!sheisyou***ther’sormother’ssister,howcan we call her ?


t: yes! we can call her aunt.教读单词aunt

uncle uncle身手大,叔伯舅舅没叫差,aunt aunt也不差,姨婶姑姑都用它。


t:this is my aunt’s child. this is my we call aunt’s child or uncle’s child cousin.

教授单词cousin出示baby brother**首先声音出示一个宝宝的哭声。t: look!

it’s a baby , yes ?ss: yes!

t: he is my brother , so i can call him baby brother .教读单词baby brother

t: we h**e learned so many words, can you read?齐读所学单词。

t:nowopenyourbookandturntopage,listenandpoint,ok ?


t: this time, listen, point and repeat !听、指并跟读。两遍。step 3 practice

1.t: read the words loudly in your group now .小组内自由读。

2.t:now,closeyourbookandlookatmymouth,.guessthe word .看口型猜单词。

3.t:goodjob! are they .看遮盖住大半边的**猜单词。



4.who can help the boy to introduce his family ?同法找生替图中人物介绍自己的家人,根据提示,慢慢提升难度。

5.say and draw

one student introduce his or her family member , othersdraw . let’s see who‘s picture is the best .

step4: productionsay and draw

t: now let’s h**e a rest .see the topic of family.看关于家庭的公益广告。

fatherandmotherprotectusandloveus,let’ssay :thank you dad , thank you mom

at last , let’s sing a song for our father and mothertogether .

齐唱歌曲。step5: progresshomework

them in english, tell them : i love you! and try to saysomething about them .

2. make a card to introduce your family and show theirphotos , bring the card to our school and talk about you***mily members with your friends .


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