三年级英语教案 Howmany第一课时教案

发布 2023-08-05 12:40:28 阅读 9344


课题unit 3 how many?

教学重点句型:how many … can you see? i can see…

it’s beautiful. let’s fly it!







and do.(做第一册unit 6 a 部分let’s do)

show me 1 and 2.

show me 3 and 4.

show me 5 and 6.

show me 7 and 8.

show me 9 and 10.



3.游戏:how many fingers?

1) 教师伸出4个手指问学生:how many fingers? 学生回答:

four. 教师继续问:how many fingers can you see?

引导学生回答:i can see four fingers.

2) 教师再伸出6个手指,问学生:how many fingers can you see? 学生回答:i can see six fingers.

3) 让学生两人一组做这一练习。

二)呈现新课 (presentation)

1.教师分别出示画有苹果、香蕉、橘子、桃和梨的**给学生:i h**e many fruits here.

do you want to know how many they are? ok,let’s count.

2.数完后,教师问学生:how many apples/bananas/oranges/peaches/pears can you see?

让学生回答出:i can see eleven apples. i can see twelve bananas.

i can see thirteen oranges. i can see fourteen peaches. i can see fifteen pears.



4. 教师再出示其他有关动物、玩具、文具的实物或**,让学生进行how many… can you see? i can see…的问答练习。


it’s a beautiful flower. it’s beautiful. 教师拿起一个漂亮的铅笔盒问学生:

is it beautiful? 教师再给学生出示一张漂亮的**问学生:is it beautiful?

让学生在回答it’s beautiful的同时理解这一词的含义。

6.教师拿出一个风筝问学生:what can you see?

让学生回答:i can see a kite. 教师接着问:

is it beautiful? 让学生回答:yes, it’s beautiful.

教师问学生:do you want to fly it? 学生回答后,教师说:

wu yifan and amy will fly the kite today. let’s fly it together1

7.通过录像展示let’s talk部分的内容。


how many kites can amy see?

how many kites can wu yifan see?

what is the black one?



三)趣味操练 (practice)

1.两人一组用实物或**进行对话:how many … can you see? i can see…l

2.教师出示let’s practise 部分的投影,引导学生去数小兔和小猫的数量,并进行问答练习:how many cats can you see?

how many rabbits can you see? i can see…

3. 小组任选how **中的一幅进行问答练习。


让学生观察教室里的东西,并让学生运用本课所学的语言进行对话练习,如:how many windows can you see? how many chairs can you see?

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