
发布 2022-12-22 03:24:28 阅读 3453

unit5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came?

section a1a-2d第1课时。

一leading-in (定向导入)【学习目标】

1、重点单词:suddenly, alarm, strange

2、重点短语:go off, pick up, wait for the bus, take a hot water, rain he**ily【能力目标】




闹钟)发出的响声接**等公车冲热水澡下大雨三discussing and showing(交流展示)

1. pair work:看1a中的**,仿1c的内容编对话。


四explaining and improving (点拨提升)

1.过去进行时主要表示在___或___进行的动作。其构成为___常与at that time, this timeyesterday, all the evening, from 8:

00 to 10:00yesterday, just then, at nine yesterday, when等表示明确有具体的时间状语。

eg:(1)i was doing my homework at this time yesterday.(2)what was tom doing at ten yesterday.

3)i was eating dinner when the phone rang.

具体的句型为:肯定句:主语+__其他。eg:they were h**ing a meeting that time.

否定句:主语+__其他。eg:they weren’t h**ing a meeting that time.一般疑问句主语+__其他?


eg:were they h**ing a meeting that time?yes, they __no, they___2.at the time of 在时候在那时3.介词短语。

in the___在图书馆里in my在我家里。

___the street在街道上___the bus stop在公交车站台4.go to work去上班。

the bus等公共汽车home步行回家5.go off (闹钟)发出响声。

go off还有“变质;变坏”的意思。6.suddenly adv.突然;忽然。

sudden adj.突然的,猛烈的,意想不到的,忽然的7.pick up接**。

pick up捡起,拾起;去接某人;端起8. either also too与as well








五checking (当堂训练)1首字母填空。

1)hurry up,or you will m___the bus.

2)she began to play the piano w___she was five years old.(3)he has so m___friends.

4)tom rushed into the house w___his mother was cooking.(5)i s___remembered that i didn’t bring my key.2选择正确答案。

1,mary was dancing while mike __the piano.

a. played b. was playing c.

were playing d. plays2,i __my breakfast when the telephone had b. was h**ing c.

as d. then

3,–jane likes red and she is always wearing red shoes, but today she is in black.–that’s very___

a. strange b. beautiful c.

well d. clever4,tom get up late again because his alarm didn’t __a. get off b.

go off c. take off d. run off5,用when或while填空。

1) my mother was doing the houseworki was doing my homework.(2my mother came in, i was watching tv.

3he went out, it was raining.

4tom was cleaning his room, the telephone rang.(5you called, i was h**ing a shower.


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