
发布 2022-12-22 03:22:28 阅读 1000

-lesson 17 people love pets!

1.掌握新词汇:pet, keep

2.识别新词汇:amazing, imaginary



'm going tomy cat. she likes to sleep

when i come home __school.

animal __you like to h**e __a pet?

pet will be anduck i'll __him __school.

can't __ducks in the classroom.

livei'llplant a tree in my bedroom .

the +乐器 play + 球类 play with sb/sth

(1)let's go and play basketball

(2)don't play with the fire. it's dangerous

(3)he played the violin very well

(4)jack is playing with his friends on the playground

v.使惊讶。(1) be amazed at 对…感到惊讶。

eg: i was amazed at his words

(2)be amazed to do 对做…感到惊讶。

i was amazed to see his old grandfather

(3) amazing adj 另人惊奇的。 eg: an amazing speed

v. (1) 保存,保留。

these old clothes are not worth keeping

(2) 遵守(诺言等) (1) you must keep your promise (诺言。

(2)everyone must keep the law

(3)同feed 饲养 they keep cows on their farm

=true adj 真的,真实的。 注: real只做定语 true 可做定语和表语 eg :

1) he told us a real story

2) is this answer true

(3) i don't think what he said is true

紧靠动词用于肯定句中, too 用于肯定句末尾或插入语中, either 用于否定句尾。

eg: (1)i go to school on foot, he also goes to school on foot.

(2) our teacher is angry, too

(3) i h**n't seen him, either

to do sth 需要作某事 need sb/sth 需要某人或某物。

(1)it's cold today. you need too wear warm clothes



about 描写有关某人或某物的情况。

write sth 写文章,写书。写信 write to sb 给某人写信。

(1)we can write about our school in english

(2)she wrote a passage about summer holiday

(3)please write to me soon


you like __宠物)?

man(蜘蛛侠) is an想象中的) man in the movie.

you饲养) a dog at home?

pet will be an imaginary鸭子)。

生活) in trees.

any __动物) live with his family?

man was惊奇) to see his lost dog back.


live only in china.

lions are fafrica.

eis the biggest animal on land.

t___is the king of the forest.

animal is loyal(忠诚的) to the owner. a d___


bookwrite) in chinese.

jim's radio___make) a loud noise.

man spoke very slowly. he wanted meunderstand) what he said.

cow __eat) grass but gives milk.

you know how___answer) the teacher's question, please put up your hands.

汉译英。1.李雷喜欢什么动物li lei___

2.你喜欢养宠物吗? do you likea

3.你不能在教室里养狗。 you can'tdogs

4.你喜欢和什么动物交朋友? what __would you like___for a __


课后反思:lesson 18 brandy hates cats!

1.识别新词汇:chase, squirrel, fierce

2.掌握应用短语和句子:slow down, talk to, cook for, be scared of




课文填空。family has a dogbrandy.

dad___going to cook hamburgers___supper.

wasmy mum.

can't remembersupper that night,need lots of __that's __we___brandyevery day.

throw sticks___brandy. she loves to___the sticks.


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