
发布 2022-12-20 05:15:28 阅读 2173



1. film star 电影明星 i asked them whether they saw any film star. 我问他们是否见过电影明星。

2. make friends with (someone) 和(某人)交朋友 wall-e tries to make friends with her, but she has to le**e. wall-e尽力去和她交朋友,但是她不得不离开。

3. bump into (无意地)碰撞 he is rushing around and bumping into everything. 他到处跑,碰撞一切东西。

4. make money 赚钱 many people thik it must be wonderful because we tr**el to exciting places, wear beautiful clothes and make a lot of money. 许多人认为那一定相当精彩,因为我们常去令人激动的地方旅行,穿美丽的衣服,并且挣很多钱。

5. a week or two 一两个星期 i felt different after a week or two, though. 然而,在一两个星期之后,我有了不同的感受。

6. be worth doing 值得 i think it is worth doing all this, though. 然而,我认为这一切都值得做。

7. be going to do (something)打算做(某事) i’m going to see the film harry potter. 我打算去看电影《哈利·波特》。

8. a couple of 几个 films can also tell a complete story in just a couple of hours . 电影也能在几个小时内讲述一个完整的故事。


1.the park is both an amusement and a film studio.


both…and… 意为“……和……(都)”。

is both my teacher and my friend.

miss li and mr. zhang h**e been to shenzhen.


neither…nor… 意为“……和……(都)不”,与both...and…意义相反。

tom nor peter has eaten dumplings.

not only…but also…意为“不但……而且……”与both…and…意义相近。

jack and tom are in beijing this term.

not only jack but also tom is in beijing this term.

注意:neither…nor…与not only…but also…在连接主语时谓语动词形式采用就近原则。

he nor his parents like the book. (like与parents相符)

neither his parents nor he likes the book. (likes与he相符)

2.visitors go there for pleasure.[译文]旅客们去那儿消遣。

for pleasure意为“消遣,为了取乐”。相当于for fun

has gone abroad for pleasure not on business.

we came to the party just for pleasure.


1 it was a pleasure /it is my pleasure. 表示“不客气,不用谢”。

you so much for helping me carry the boxes.

--it’s my pleasure.

take (a) pleasure in doing sth.表示“对做某事感到快乐,喜欢做”。

takes (a) pleasure in helping his grandfather do housework.

i take pleasure in teaching my students .

with pleasure意为“非常愿意”。(用于礼貌地表示乐意做别人让自己做的事)。

you come?

with pleasure, madam.

to one’s pleasure. 使某人高兴或满意的是

my pleasure, i finished the task ahead of time.

注意,不要与pleased弄混淆了,pleased是形容词,意为“高兴的,满意的”,它常构成短语be pleased to do sth.乐于做……;或be pleased with/at/about/by…对……高兴/满意。

pleased to meet you.

she is pleased with the gift.

he will be pleased to help you.

3. i almost jumped out of my skin when the dinosaur roared at us!



is almost ready.

i almost fell off my bike.

almost no one believed him.


never 几乎从不nearly never (×

但nearly可以与not连用,但not nearly是“远不如”的意思,而almost不与not单独连用。

my mother almost never dress up.

we are not nearly as open as the americans.

jump out of one’s skin是固定词组,意为“大吃一惊;吓了一大跳”。

i didn’t mean to make you jump out of your skin.

after the traffic accident, the shock of seeing her again made me nearly jump out of my skin.

4.the great w**e attraction made a deep impression on ruddy.


make a (deep) impression on sb. 给(某人)留下深刻的印象。

sense of humour made a deep impression on her friends.

he made a strong impression on me.

the professor’s funny words made a deep impression on us.

5.we saw a huge w**e coming towards us.[译文]我们看见一个巨浪正向我们奔来。

see…doing sth.意为“看见……正在做某事”,see是表示感观的动词。如hear,watch,notice等也是如此,其后可以跟动词的-ing形式,表示看见/听见/注意到某人(某物)正在做某事。

found a stranger walking nearby our shop all day.

i saw the boys playing basketball there.。

提醒:如果是看见/听见某人(某物)做了某事或经常做,则应该用see/hear sb. do sth.这一结构。

saw a man go into your room.

i hear him read english every morning.


heard her singing next door.

we heard her often sing next door.

we heard her enter the next door.

we heard her entering the next door.

6.the w**e seemed to crash over the top of our car.浪头似乎撞向了我们的车的顶部。


1)seem+(to be)+表语,表语通常由名词(n.),形容词(adj.)或介词(prep.)充当。

seem (to be) doctors. (n.) it seems that they are doctors.


servant lightelectrical applianceselectronic watch careless carelessly 9.一个危险的仆人a dangerous servant10.一包糖果a packet of sweets 11.想,让,警告某人做某事warn tell w...


day out外出一天 the hill爬山。to exercise需要锻炼 fit保持健康。to do sth想做某事 on过来。ourselves玩得开心,过得愉快。sb to many different places带某人去不同的地方 a plan制定一个计划。an invitation l...


phrases 1.a fun day out外出郊游 愉快 的一天。2.climb the hill爬山。3.need to exercise需要锻炼。4.keep stay fit保持健康 苗条 5.come on过来,快点。6.enjoy oneself h e a good time玩得愉快...