
发布 2022-12-22 03:20:28 阅读 6476

unit5 topic3导学案。


班级姓名。unit5 topic3 section a









1. h**e a test2. get nervous

3. 做演讲。


1.this is michael speaking. 译。




there anything wrong? 译可省略为。

同义句:what’s wrong? /what’s the matter? /what’s the problem?

feel more relaxed now because of your help. 译。

回忆:because和because of 的区别。


填空: a. wang mings feels unhappyhe failed the chinese exam.

b. mr. lee was very excitedthe ticket to the movie.



you look excited.

s v p注:常见的系动词有

分析:tom’s father sounded worried. 其中主语是系动词是表语是。


they arrived.

s v分析:the cat was sleeping. 其中主语是谓语是。


i miss my parents.

s v o分析:they need your help.其中主语是谓语是宾语是。


she tells me jokes.

s v io do

分析:my mother g**e me a dictionary.其中主语是谓语是间接宾语是直接宾语是。


we should keep the classroom clean.

s vo oc

分析;the teachers made mr. liu headmaster.其中主语是谓语是宾语是宾语补足语是。

be句型。there is a tree in front of my house.

there be s

回忆:there be句型遵循原则。


a. there books and a ruler on the desk.

b. there a river near his school.

c. there a bank and three shops near her house.



)1teacher’s advice, and you’ll do in your lessons.

better b. listen to; well good better

)2、--i’m worried about the exam this time.

it’s only a very common(普通的,平常的) exam.

easy. couse. up. it easy.

)3、--is this book tom’s? -no, it tom’s. his is on the desk.

be be be be

)4、--don’t be afraid. i’ll go with you

very nice of you. b. that’s lovely. c. that’s all right. it easy.

)5、--it’s too dry. will it rain soonthe flowers in the darden are in great need of water.

idea. problem. hope so. don’t think so.

)6、--i’m with so much work.—don’t be worried. i’ll help you.

boring b. boring; bored c. bored; bored d. boring; boring


only mother’s love is true love. she gives you everything all her life. when you are a baby, mother looks after you 1 .

in your waking hours she always holds you in her arms. when you are ill, she 2 her work right away to look after you. when you are growing up, she feels 3 .

when you are 4 to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. on cold winter days, she always tells you 5 more clothes. she always stands in the wind 6 for you to come back from school.

when you le**e home 7 school with little breakfast, she always feels 8 about you at home. she usually knows about your study and spends much money 9 your school things. when you do 10 in the exam, you will see the happiest smile on her face.

we should remember mother’s love forever(永远).

)1. a. careful b. carefully c. good d. badly

)2. a. does b. goes on c. stops d. likes

)3. a. sad b. silly c. upset d. happy

)4. a. old enough b. young enough c. enough old d. enough young

)5. a. to take off b. to put on c. take off d. put on

)6. a. wait b. waits c. waiting d. waited

)7. a. to b. for c. at d. in

)8. a. angry b. active c. worried d. pleased

)9. a. on b. in c. with d. for

)10. a. good b. well c. angrily d. happily

unit5 topic3 sectionb






confident about

2. in a bad mood

3. be proud of

4. 互相,彼此。

5. 给某人一个惊喜。

6. 上演一部短剧。


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