
发布 2022-12-30 01:07:28 阅读 5014

unit 3 our hobbies

topic 1 what’s your hobby?

section d

授课人:王颖授课时间:2013. 11.


能力目标:1. 能听懂表示兴趣爱好及水平相当的话题。

2. 能够将本话题所学内容和以前所学知识相结合,在日常生活中谈论有关。


3. 能根据所学内容写出自己及朋友的兴趣爱好。


学习重点:1. 强化used to do… 的用法。

2. 巩固enjoy/like/prefer/be fond of /be interested in+doing…的应用。

学习难点: used to do各种形式的正确应用。



一. 请归纳总结used to 的用法:

1. used to

2. 否定形式。

3. 疑问形式。

请试着翻译:there used to be a small village in the mountain

二. 请写出表达兴趣爱好的不同方式。

1a1. they may be everyday pets like dogs or cats.

句中的may是词,译为 ,在此用于表示 ,意思与相近,你能猜出它们的区别吗?请观察:

maybe he is a policeman.

he may be a policeman.

2. all pets provide heir owners with love and comfort in their lives.

provide sb with sth 译为常可以与互换。

3. …he doesn’t mind whether they are good or not.

1) 此处的mind是词,译为 。另外,mind常用来构成句型用来表示它的一个考点是。

2) whether 译为 ,在此的作用是另外,whether常与搭配,译为。

i don’t know whether it is right or wrong.

4. so i often take him out for a walk.

take … out for walk译为 。此处的walk是词;另有go (out) for a walk译为。

5. …just like a little friend.

此处的a little与 “i like it a little”中的相同吗。

练习:1. using mobile phones is usual in our life.

a. every day b. everyday c. every day’s d. everyday’s

2. all the parents provide their children __clothes and food.

a. forb. toc. withd. of

3. my little dog likes eating bread and meat , and he doesn’t mindthey’re good or not.

a. what b. which c. whether d. if



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