
发布 2022-12-24 20:54:28 阅读 7499

unit1 topic1 i’m going to play basketball? section c

授课教师:贾红梅 2013.9.29

每日一句】no pains, no gains. 没有付出,就没有收获。

学习目标:1. 继续学习be going to do的用法。

2. 谈论体育活动带给人们的益处。

3. 通过学习本课,加强我们热爱运动的意识。


学习 be going to do在there be句型中的用法。

学习过程。1a & 1d

go cycling twice a weekgo mountain climbing


参加(某种活动the high jump

the long jump学校运动会。

be sure that

1. she spends half an hour exercising...spend意为 ,常用搭配spend …(in) doing sth.

/spend … on sth. 意为



2. she is also good at jumping. also在句中的位置be good at意为 ,搭配是与其同义的短语是。

3. there is going to be a school sports meet next weekend. there be 句型用在一般将来时中,其结构为意为

4. 试着翻译下面句子(参照1d)





2amake him strong全世界。

be good formost people

the day after tomorrow使自己放松。


a good way to keep fit

1. because it makes me strong…make是动词,意为 。常用搭配:

make/ keep sb./sth. +adj.

意为eg: swimming helps to keep her heart and lungs healthy.

make + sb./sth. +do sth. 意为eg: don’t make me cry.

2. all over the world 意为同义短语是。

3. be good for 意为反义短语。


1.—are you going to __our english club? —yes, i am.

a. take part in b. join c. took part in d. joined

2. mr. xiang is the best teacher in our school. he is good __teaching.

a. for b. to c. with d. at

3. sam spends two hours __his homework every day.

a. to do b. doing c. do d. does

___an english party in our class next week.

a. is going to h**e b. is going to be c. will h**e d. h**e

5. —do you know why your teacher didn’t the meeting?

sorry, i don’t know.

a. join b. took part in c. join in d. joined


1、i spend 3 hours inmake)a kite.

2、he did verygood).

3、eating more fruits is good for your (health) .

4. maria gets up early and does morningexercise).

5、she often goescycle) on sundays.

6. there are 24hour) in one day.


1. he will go to the library tomorrow.(提问)


2. miss tan plays sports for 1 hour.(提问)

miss tan sports?

3.there is going to be a school sports meet. (一般疑问句)

to __a school sports meet.?



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