仁爱英语八年级 上 Unit3Topic2导学案

发布 2022-12-30 01:09:28 阅读 1447

初二复习教案八年级(上) unit3 topic2

撰写人:__李庆颖___撰写时间: 12.10 授课时间。



复习重点:1.考点词汇及目标短语 2. 感叹句。


一. 重点单词。

concert(**会)language (语言) lend (借出) sing(唱)--singer (歌手) violin(小提琴) piano (钢琴) guitar(吉他) drum(鼓)price(**)

art(美术)--artist(艺术家)music(**)--musician (**家) pay (付款) quick(快的)--quickly(快地)everyday(日常的)love(爱)--lovely(可爱的)

******(简单的) member (成员) careful(仔细的)--carefully(仔细地)


1.继续 go on 2.因……而出名be famous for 3. 最后at last

4. 建立set up 5.受……欢迎be popular with 6.过去常常 used to

7.借某人某物 lend sb. sth借某物给某人lend sth. to sb

从某人借某物borrow sth. from sb. 8. 继续做某事continue to do sth./doing sth.

9. 让某人做某事ask sb. to do sth. 10.教某人做某事 teach sb. to do sth.

11.在某人空闲时间in one`s spare/free time


感叹句。1. how exciting! 2. how delicious! 3. how wonderful!

4. how exciting the story is! 5. how beautiful the flowers are!

8. what a beautiful girl! 9. what beautiful girls!

10. what a lovely dog! 11. what lovely dogs!

12. what bad news13. what terrible weather!


1) 英语感叹句的句首一般用what或how开始,句末用感叹号结束。

2) 被强调的部分是形容词或副词时用how;被强调部分是名词时用what。句子的其他部分与陈述句的结构相同,即:

how + adj. /adv.+其他!

what +adj. +n. (不可数名词或复数名词) +其他!

what a / an + adj. +n. (单数名词) +其他 !

其他。1. it sounds beautiful. 听起来美妙 2. why not come with me?跟我一起去吧。

3. what do you usually do in your free time? 你空闲时间通常做什么

4. i used to enjoy pop music , but now i like folk music.


5. pop music often comes and goes quickly.流行**来得快去得快。

6. it`s hard to say.很难说。

unit 3 topic 2 巩固练习。

单选。 ) 1. tom likes playing___violin and he can also

play __basketball very well.

ab. the, the c. the, /

) can __my mp4, but please don’t __

it to others.

a. lend, lend b. borrow, lend c. lend, borrow

) 3. -who taught you


a. swim b. swimming c. to swim

) raining outside now, but farmers continue___

without a stop.

a. to work b. workc. works

) 5bad news!

a. what a b. whatc. how a

) 6love girl she is!

a. what a how a

) 7. we go to school

a. every day b. everyday c. every days

) 8. the song rainbowbeautiful.

a. feels b. smellsc. sounds

) 9. i __5,000 yuan on this iphone.

a. spent b. paidc. cost

) 10. liu huan is one of the most famous __in china.

a. singers c. star


1最后),he found his keys under the bed.

2. china is因……而出名) the great wall.

3. they建立) their own company last week.

4. he过去常常) like jazz, but now he doesn’t.

5. let’s继续) learning our lessons.

用how, what, what a, what an 填空。

1bad weather!


3lovely girl!

4delicious the food is!

5interesting books!

仁爱英语八年级 上 unit3复习

unit3 topic 1 一。重点词汇。hobby 爱好 vacation假期 painting 绘画 friendship友谊 knowledge 知识 daily 每日的 whether 是否 such as 例如 used to do sth.过去常常做某事 take a bath 洗澡 b...


感叹句。感叹句一般是用来表示说话时喜悦 惊讶等感叹,常用 what 和 how 引导,what 强调名词,而 how 则强调形容词和副词,还可以用用so和such 表示强调时,so强调形容词和副词,such则强调名词。一 热身练习。1beautiful the flowers are a.what ...


unit3topic2短语归纳。1.加入我们29.作曲。2.开演唱会30.多遗憾。3.去听 会31.很难说。4.在 会上32.古典 5.借给某人某物 两种。6.向某人借某物33.流行 歌手。7.打鼓34.爵士 8.拉小提琴35.一般般。9.在我的业余时间36.来去匆匆。10.民间 37.要求 叫某人...