人教英语八年级上Unit4知识点 练习

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1. 形容词副词最高级。







d.以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i加 est


e.多音节和部分双音节词 more/most+该词特例friendly有两种形式。

不规则。good/ well better best

many/ much more most

ill/bad / badly (坏地)worse worst

little less least

old older(年龄)/ elder(辈份) oldest/ eldest

far farther距离/ further(深奥的)farthest/ furthest

常用句型。one of +the +形容词最高级+名词复数

jack is one of the smartest boy in our class.

shanghai is one of the most popular city in the world.

the +序数词+形容词最高级+可数名词单数+in 第几……

the yellow river is the second longest river in china.

当形容词最高级前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,最高级前的定冠词the 省略。

jack is my brother’s best friend.

2. 常用句型。

what’s the best someplace to go去……的最好地方时什么?

which is the best …in town镇上最好的……是哪家?

how do you like…?=what do you think of…? 你觉得……是哪家?

why do you think so你为什么这样认为?

i think …is the most talented person你认为……是最有天赋的人。

what can sb. do某人能做什么?

3. join

join 加入(人群,团队,组织和机构等)并成为其中一员 join the army

join in 参加竞赛,娱乐和游戏等活动join the game

take part in 参**众性活动,会议,劳动并起一定作用take part in the meeting

4. h**e…in common “有…相同之处”

they h**e something in common.

反义短语:h**e nothing in common 没有相同之处we h**e nothing in common.

5. play a role in sth/doing sth “在某方面起作用、发挥作用”;“在(电影、戏剧)里扮演角色”如:

mr. black played a role in this movie.


6. what do you think of…与how do you like…的句型转换。

what do you think of this movie?

how do you like this movie?

7. come true 实现(梦想)

i believe my dream can come true.

8. take…seriously 认真对待。

you should take your study seriously.

单选。1. i enjoy going to dream cinema. it hasseats in town.

a. comfortable b. more comfortable c. most comfortable d. the most comfortable

2. town cinema is __to home than the other cinemas.

a. close b. closer c. closest d. the closest

3. i enjoy going to sun cinema. it haswaiting time in town.

a. longest b. the longest c. shortest d. the shortest

4. of all the clothes stores, you can buy clothesin dream clothes.

a. cheapest b. cheaply c. most cheaply d. more cheaper

5. nelly always listens to the teachersin our class.

a. careful b. most carefully c. more carefully d. most careful

6. can i ask youquestions?

a. some b. any c. few d. a little

7. shanghai is bigger than __city in china.

a. any b. any other c. the other d. other

8. thanks for __the school.

a. show me around b. show around me c. showing me around d. showing around me

9. how do yousun cinema?

a. like b. think of c. think about d. like about

10. i like watching others __their talents.

a. show b. showing c. to show d. showed

11. tennis is getting __in china.

a. more popular and popularb. more popular and more popular

c. popular and populard. most and most popular

12. jenny __a role in the play yesterday and she acted the best.

a. made b. played c. acted d. took

13. how can i make my dreamtrue?

a. make b. to make c. ****** d. made

14. he bought a new bike __1,200yuan.

a. at b. with c. in d. for

15. the play was so funny that we couldn’t stop

a. laughing b. laughed c. to laugh d. laugh


1. the yellow river is the second___long)river in china.

2. he drank___little) juice of us.

3. it has the most comfortable seats and cheapest tickets.(否定句)

人教英语八年级上Unit4知识点 练习

课前热身。基础积累。电影院广播电台等候时间。在城镇里离 近欢迎来到。由 决定没什么问题编造。实现例如发挥作用。得到不错的奖品才艺展示到目前为止。由相同特征各种类型认真对待。迫不及待做某事唱一首歌 unit4知识点梳理。语法点与知识点。1.形容词副词最高级。规则。构成。a.直接在词尾加 est few...

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unit 4 what s the best movie theater?1 必记单词。n.theatre 戏院 剧场。adj.使人舒服的 舒适的反义词为uncomfortable comfortably adv.舒服地 舒适地。n.座位 坐处 如椅子等 常用短语 take one s seat 就...