
发布 2020-03-11 15:44:28 阅读 7724

how do you get to school?

一、teaching aims


a)key vocabulary:train, subway, bus ,bike…(几种交通工具的名称)

b)how do you get to school? how does she\he get to school?(重点句型)

c)oral practice.(练习说的能力,在说中体会句型,练习关键词汇)


a)let all the students to aster some main transportations ,be able to use“how do you get to…”and “how does she\he get to school?”to make a conversation.

b)to teach the students some listening skills.


a)use the languages to talk br**ely and communicative competence

b)communicational and cooperation attitude.

二、teaching steps

free talk(设计目的:课前师生交流对话,为学生开口说英语创设交际场所,既体现了语言的交际功能,又吸引学生的注意力,同时也拉近了师生的距离。)

t:hello,every one,how are you today?

ss:fine,thanks,and you.

t:i am very the weather today?

ss:it’s sunny\cloudy\windy...

t:what’s your f**ourite tv programme?

s1:i like “animal world”

s2:i like cctv-3

s3:i like super-girls(超级女生).

t:why do you like them? s3:because they are beautiful...

then encourage ss to ask t questions.

s1:how are you?

s2:what’s your f**orite food?




famous friend is coming to our

she? then t shows the photo of “李宇春” slowly,guess how does she come to our school?

guess how does she come to our school?

t: does she walkide a bikeun to our school?(with different gestures)how does she get to our school?

s1:ride a bike t: maybe

s2:take a taxi t: maybe

s3:take a car t: maybe you are right


t:let’s h**e a look,how does she get to our school?

ppt (li yuchun is walking),learn the word “walk”

t: where is she going? ppt (li yuchun is walking to a subway station),learn subway .

the same way to teach the new words.

t:then where is she going?

walk→subway station→train station →take the ship →bus stop→take no 5 bus →airport→take the plane→school

t:how does she get to our school? guide ss to repeat.

1)t shows the word cards ,read follow me.


walk,↗walk↘,take a walk. ↗

subway,↗subway↘,take the subway↗.

train,↗train↘,take the train. ↗

ship↗ship↘,take the ship. ↗


3)do actions. (设计意图:师生共同参与做动作,把学习变的生动活泼,既活跃课堂,也调动学生的积极性,体现、听、说读全面发展,让学生在不知不觉中把复杂的知识语言牢牢掌握。)

由how do you … 自然过渡到how does she\he.


a)t does some expressions, like“ride a bike,take a walk...ss guess what’s it?

b)invite some ss come to bb and do expressions, other ss guess.

4)divided ss into eight groups, give each group one word card, then t gives orders, like“subway, subway stand up;bike, bike, show me your english books;..

3.1)t:i usually ride my bike to school, how do you get to school?

s1:i walk to school.

t:how does she get to school?

ss:she walks to school.

s2:i ride my bike to school. (the same way to practice “how does he\she get to school?”)


2)t:who can use “how do you get to school”to ask me questions.

s1,s2,s3...t answers them individually.

3)work in pairs and act out.

4.listening exercises :

invite s1 come to bb and wear the head-photo(头饰) of “bob”.

t:guess,how does bob get to school?

s1:he takes the train to school.

t:maybe he gets to school by train.(write take the train=by train on bb.)

s2:he takes the bus to school.(the same way to by bus)


t:listen to the tape,and h**e a look how does bob get to school?(give prizes to the ss who get the right answer)

the same way for mary,paul...all ss ask s2 how does

mary get to school)




make a survey:how do the student in your school get to school?


unit 4 how do you get to school?第一课时 一 预习检测 请翻译下列短语 1.乘地铁2.坐火车3.乘船。4.乘公共汽车5.乘出租车。6.坐飞机7.驾车8.骑自行车。10.多长时间。二 巩固提升 a 补全对话。1 how do get home?i the subway....

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