
发布 2022-12-23 20:04:28 阅读 7851

unit 4 how do you get to school ?


period 1 section a 1a-2c

温馨寄语:no one can call back yesterday(昨日不会重现)



get to, how far, bicycle, subway, car, train, minute, kilometer, mile,

transportation, hundred


get to school, get home, how about=what about, take the subway, ride a bike,

take the bus, take the train, take a taxi, by bike, by bus, by subway,

by taxi, by car, by train,


1、--how do you get to school?

-- i walk to school. =i get to school on foot.

2、--how does she get to school?

--she gets to school by bike. =she gets to school on the/a/her bike.

she rides the/her/a bike to school.

3、--how long does it take(you/him/her to get to school)?

--it takes (about) ten minutes. -it takes (about) two and half hours



学习how对交通方式的提问和how long对时间段的提问。


it takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事。

eg. it takes me 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.


1、bus stop2、take the train3、on foot4、到校5、乘地铁6、how long

7、walk to school8、乘公共汽车。



1. how do/does to+地点? 用来询问某人到达某地的交通方式。


2.辨析get to , arrive, 与reach get,reach,arrive都可以表示到达,用法有区别:

reach为及物动词: reach+地点名词 get为不及物动词:get to+地点名词。

arrive为不及物动词:arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点。





如: by bus 乘坐公共汽车。

take +冠词+交通工具单数take后面所跟的交通工具名词前须有限定词(如:his、her、the等词) 如:take the bus/subway… 乘坐公共汽车/地铁…

in/on+冠词/物主代词+交通工具单位(注意:on foot“步行”为特例,foot前不能有任何修饰成分) 如:on the train 乘火车 on my bike 骑自行车。

walk/ride/drive/fly to +地点名词如:fly to beijing 飞往北京。


1) i usually take a bus to work .=i usually go to work

i usually go to work

2) take the train to school = go to school by train =go to school

3) take the taxi to the airport

4. hundred的用法。

1) 具体数字+ hundred 表示几百;如:five hundred

2) hundreds of +名词复数表示数以百计的,如:hundreds of visitors

即学即用:1、there are7百) students in our school。

2数百的)teachers are visiting our school next monday。

5. 花费(时间))


如:it takes him an hour to go to work everyday.

take的用法拓展:take him to the zoo(take…to…意为带某人或某物去某地).

三、 随堂达标。


1. he oftenride ) to school, but sometimes hewalk) to school.

2. my mother alwaysgo ) to work by bus

3. tom nevertake) the train to school .

4. yesterday iwalk) to school .

5. howdo ) your sister get to school ?


1. peter usually takes a bus to work. (对划线部分提问)

peter usually go to work?

usually walk to school. (改为同义句)

i usually go to school

3. it takes him 3 hours to finish reading the book. (改为同义句)

he 3 hours the book.

4. his cousins sometimes goes to the zoo by bike. (改为同义句)

his cousins sometimesto the zoo.

5. it takes me 10 minutes to get to the post office by taxi. (对划线部分提问)

it take you to get to the post office by taxi?

period 2 section a 3a-4

教师寄语: a lazy youth, a louse age.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。)

学习目标】 :



how do you get to school? i ride my bike. i get to school by bike.

how does he get to school? he takes the subway. he gets to school by subway.

how far is it (from your/his/her/home to school)?

it’s three miles. /it’s eight kilometers.

how long does it take? it takes thirty minutes.

学习重难点】 :

1、用how far来询问两地间的距离,及回答。

2、继续学习how long提问的对话。



f is it from your home to school?.

street is two klong.

be q into the classroom ,the english teacher is h**ing the class.

too hot ,i want to take a s .


unit 4 how do you get to school period 1 section a 1a 2c 温馨寄语 no one can call back yesterday 昨日不会重现 学习目标 1 单词和词组。get to,how far,bicycle,subway,car,tra...


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