
发布 2022-12-21 08:32:28 阅读 8868

unit 4 what’s the best movie theater?

the 3rd period (section b 1a-1e)

1. 学习目标。

知识目标:1. 口、笔头掌握以下用形容词最高级进行评价的句子:

isabel is the funniest person i know. eliza was the best performer.

my cousin li jing is the funniest person i know.

2. 掌握本课时重点词汇: creative


情感态度: 通过谈论周围的人,增进师生、同学间的了解,多发现别人的闪光点。

课前准备。1. 我们学了很多形容词的最高级形式,请分类整理,填在**中。

2. 请写出课本28页的1a中所给的贬义词的对应反义词,完成1a中的**。

学习过程。before listening

1. 小组合作,检查、交流课前准备 i的总结情况,相互补充,并写下你还存在的问题:

2. 小组合作,检查、交流课前准备 ii的预习情况, 纠正发音,熟读并牢记。

3. 你还能想到其他形容词的最高级形式及其反义词吗?试着用其描述你的父母、老师或朋友并告诉你的同伴。尽量使用褒义词奥!

while listening

1. 一所学校刚刚举办了才艺演出,有很多人参与表演。看五幅图,试着了解表演者,然后小组讨论他们展示的什么才艺表演。

2. 听一遍录音,分别在五幅图下写下表演者的名字,完成1c

3. 听第二遍录音,在**中写出人们对表演者的描述评价词,完成1d。

4. 再听一遍录音,选择正确的句子把下面的对话补充完整。

a. who did you think was the worst?

b. wasn’t that a great talent show?

c. what did you think of the math teacher?

d. who did you think was the best act?

e. wasn’t she creative?

ab: yeah!

ab: oh, i thought eliza was the best .she’s an excellent piano player.

a: yeah, she was great. and i thought steve and his dog were the funniest.

b: me, too! i couldn’t stop laughing! and how about vera

a: yeah, i would say she was th e most creative act ! i don’t know many people who can play the guitar upside down!

ba: oh, dennis ! he was terrible! he can’t juggle at all!

b: i know!

ab: well, they were definitely the loudest!

5. 模仿秀:跟读对话,注意模仿语音语调,尤其是填空处五个句子的语调。

观察与思考:上面对话中所填的五个句子都是句式)。第二句和第四句中的”do you think” 常作插入语,放在词)之后,用于发表个人观点。

6. 两人一组,分角色熟读对话,尤其注意填空的句子。

after listening

1. 参看1d 中的**信息,两人一组,谈论学校才艺表演的情况并作出汇报。

2. 四人小组活动:班级同学之最。




… is the quietest in our class. …is the tallest of all the bots.

知识巩固。i. 单词填空。

1. please speak in a lvoice. i can’t hear you clearly.

2. the tv play is di don’t like it at all.

3. who was the best pin the school talent show?

4. we are all pleased for his panswer to us.

5. we h**e three ma day.

ii . 单项选择。

1. is lily the __girl __her class?

a. tallest; of b. tallest; in c. taller; in d. taller; of

2. tom cinema is the best, and it has __service.

a. most friendliest b. the most friendliest c. friendliest d the friendliest

3. in our city, it’s __in july, but it is even __in august.

a. hotter; hottest b. hot; hot c. hotter; hot d. hot; hotter

4. it seems that american fast food is the most popular __the world.

a. of b. in c. at d. about

5. which isa cat, a house or an elephant?

a. the he**ier b. he**y c. the he**iest d. he**iest

课堂反思。1. 总结这节课你记住了至少对形容词最高级形式的反义词。它们是你还知道对形容词最高级形式的反义词。它们是。

2. 通过本课的学习,你还有那些疑问。

家庭作业。1. 口头汇报并写下学校才艺表演的情况,内容越充实越好!

2. 根据课上讨论,写出本班同学之最的文字材料。

3. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,做好课前准备。


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unit 4 what s the best movie theater?主备人 冯国丽课型 新授课审核人 关学伟时间 2013.10.8 section a 1a 1c 学习目标 1 单词及短语 comfortable,seat,screen,close,theater,2 学会并能掌握形容词 副...


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