
发布 2022-12-30 01:03:28 阅读 2679

unit 4 how do you get to school?

exercise 1

i. 英汉互译。

1. bus station2. depend on3. take the subway

4. how far5. 离开去某地6. 乘汽车之行。

7. 乘坐小船8. 到达。

ii. 短文填空,每空一词,单词的第一个字母已经给出。

jack l___near a little town. it is about 15 kilometers f___his home to school. every day, he g___up at six o’clock, showers, and has a quick b___then he l___for school at around half past six.

first, he rides his bike to the bus s___that takes about ten m___then the early b___takes him to school. the bus ride u___takes about 25 minutes.

iii. 根据句意用单词的正确形式补全下列问题及答案。

1. —how doget homei the subway.

2.—how does he to schoolhehis bike.

3do they go to work? —they go to work bus.

4.—howdoes it takeitabout half an hour.

5. —how is itit’s


unit 4 how do you get to school? exercise 2

句型转换。1. i ride my bike to school. (同义句) i go to school

2. he goes to school by subway. (对划线部分提问he __to school?

3. it takes about 25 minutes to get home by bus. (提问)

it __to get home by bus?

4. they take the train to school. (提问they __to school?

5. it’s three miles from my home to school. (对划线部分提问)

is it from your home to school?

6. she thought the subway was fantastic. (提问shethe subway?

7. we are le**ing at (提问are you le**ing?

8. they need 30 minutes to go to school on foot. (同义句)

it30 minutes to __to school.

it’s 30 __walk for them to school.

9. it’s three miles from my home to the town. (同义句)

i __three miles __the town.

10. students usually go to school on the bus or in the car on rainy days. (同义句)

students usually go to schooloron rainy days.


1. it usually takes 10 minutes __walk) from the classroom to the library.

2. how long __it___take) you to school on weekdays?

3. shanghai is one of the biggest __city) the world.

4take) a boat to school must __be) a lot more fun than taking a bus.

5. a small number of __child) like to eat porridge in the morning.

6. the three of the most popular ways of __get) there are bus, train and bike.

7. when it __rain), i often take a taxi to school.

8. i’m so tired, i need __h**e) a good rest.

9. let me __help) you __find) that lost book.


a: hi, nancy1)?

b: i live in huanggu district.

a2) do you live from school?

b: i live five miles from school.

a3) do you get to your school?

b: by bike, sometimes on foot.

a4) does it take you to get to school by bike?

b: about ten minutes.

a: don't you like walking to school? b: no, i don't. it takes5).

unit 4 how do you get to school? exercise 3











unit 4 how do you get to school?exercise 1 i.英汉互译。1.bus station2.depend on3.take the subway 4.how far5.离开去某地6.乘汽车之行。7.乘坐小船8.到达。ii.短文填空,每空一词,单词的第一个字母已经...

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