新目标八年级英语 上 Unit4知识荟萃

发布 2022-12-28 23:05:28 阅读 9051


unit 4how do you get to school?


1. get to school到校2. get home到家。

3. how about=what about…….怎么样?

4. take the subway乘地铁5. ride a bike(bicycle)骑自行车6.

take the/a bus乘公共汽车。

7. take the/a train乘火车8. take a taxi乘坐出租车 a boat乘船10.

go in a parent’s car坐父母的车11. take sb. to sp.


12. by bike, by bus, by subway, by taxi, by car, by train (乘坐……车,常放在句尾,表交通方式用how提问)

13. h**e a quick breakfast迅速吃早饭14. the early bus早班车15.

how far多远16. doing sth. takes sb.

some time/ money=it takes sb. some time/money to do sth.=sb.

spends some time/money (on sth.)

sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.=sth.

costs sb. some time/money=sb. pay some money for sth.


17. bus stop公共汽车站,train station火车站,subway station地铁站,bus station客运站18. want to do sth.

想做某事19. walk to school =go to school on foot步行上学20. in north america在北美21.

in other parts of the world在世界的其他地区22. depend on=depend upon依靠,靠……决定23. not all不是所有的(表部分否定)24.

need to do sth.需要做某事(sth. needs doing某事需要被做)i need to open the window at once.我需要马上打开窗户。

the window needs opening at once.窗子需要马上打开。

25. a number of=many许多(number前可用large, great, small修饰)其谓语是复数)26. the number of….

的数量,谓语是单数the number of students学生数27. don’t worry(about sth./sb.


28. around the world= all over the world世界各地,全世界。

29. means of transportation交通方式30. be ill in the hospital生病住院31. a map in chinese中文地图。


1. [辨析]another,(the)other与the others


1)another指三个或三个以上人或事物中的另一个,只能修饰单数名词。the coat is too small.can you show me another (one)?这件外套太小,你能再给我看一件吗?

(another与more的一个特定用法,意为“另外的”,要注意它们和数量词的搭配顺序:some/ five more desks= another some/ five desks另外一些/五张课桌)


one of my parents is an acter and the other is a doctor.我父母亲一个是演员,另一个是医生。其他情况下,other用作形容词,修饰复数名词,当指一定范围内的其他人或物时,可在其前加the。

the visitors come from america,france canada and some other western countries.参观者来自美国、法国、加拿大和其他一些西方国家。

what other animals did you see in the zoo?在动物园里你还见到了别的什么动物?


there are many students in the park.some are walking, some are playing games,and others are

boating.公园里有许多人,有的在散步,有的在做游戏,其余的在划船。2. [辨析]like和for example

like作为介词,有“诸如的,像一样”口语中常用,相当于such as,so much(如此多) fruit is left(剩下了), like grapes and bananas.

forexample常用于举例,可以放在句首,其后用逗号隔开,还可以放在句中,前后都用逗号隔开,意为“例如”,缩写成“ like many movie stars, for example jack chen.3. [辨析]say,speak, talk与tell

1)say意为“说,述说”,它针对的是说话的内容。what did you say?你说什么了?

he didn't say anything.他什么话也没有说。

2)speak意为“说,讲(话)”,不强调说话的内容,但讲某种语言,要用speak。the baby is learning to speak.那婴儿正在学说话。i want to speak english well.我想把英语说得很好。


my grandma likes telling us some stories.我奶奶喜欢给我们讲些故事。did you tell your grades to your parents?你把你的成绩告诉你父母了吗?

(4) talk倾向于指“谈论,讨论,交流,讲话”,是不及物动词。

she is talking with li fang when miss wang comes in.当王老师进来时,她正在和李方讲话。they are talking about iphone5.

他们正在谈论iphone54.[辨析]look.1ook at.see与watchlook与look at强调看的过程,其中look at要有名词或代词作宾语,而look可独立使用;see强调看的内容和结果;


look! they are flying kites.can you see them?看!

他们在放风筝。你能看见他们吗?please look at the picture carefully.请仔细看这幅图画。

he doesn’t often play soccer, but he likes watching the soccer games on tv.他不经常踢足球,但他喜欢在电视上看足球赛。5.

[辨析]:get, reach, arrive

1)get to = arrive in/ at =reach到达(2)get还有“得到,获得”之意。

she got a good book from her uncle.她从她叔叔那里获得一本好书(3)get还有“变得”之意,当系动词用。

the days are getting shorter and shorter now.现在白天正变得越来越短了。(4)而reach则还有“够到”之意:

i can’t reach the bottle. please give it to me.我够不到那个瓶子。请把它给我。6.有关how与其它形容词和副词构成的问句:

how often“多久一次?”,对表频度的词提问,如sometimes/ often/ usually/ always/ never/every day/ three times a year等。

how soon,“多久?”则对用于表达将来时间的词提问,如in a week---how soon can he come back?--in a long则对长度提问,包括○1时间长度—多久;○2事物长度—多长---how long can you sleep every day?

--for eight hours.--how long is the woman’s hair?--about 2 he**y对事物重量提问,“多重?

”how tall对事物高度提问,“多高?”how far对路程、距离提问,“多远?”

how old对年龄提问“多大”

how many对复数数量提问/ how much对不可数数量提问“多少”

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