教案学案 新目标英语八年级上Unit4第二课时

发布 2022-12-30 04:57:28 阅读 5180

unit 4 how do you get to school?

第 2 课时。

学习目标]1. 巩固本单元单词。

2. 熟练掌握谈论交通方式和距离的句型。

3. 学习合理安排行程,并合理选用交通工具。

学习流程] 一·自学指导·

1. 以小组为单位背诵单词。

2. 两人一组复习第一课时所学的对话。

平行训练·1. in this___地区),most students go to school no foot.

2. the changjiang___河) is the longest in china.

3. how do you usually go to school? by __小汽车)

4. many people go to that city by __小船)

5. the light is on. he __一定) be in his office.


1. 以小组为单位完成1a, 1b,并熟读这些词组和对话。

2. 听录音section b 2a&2b 完成练习;

3. 快速阅读2c,翻译短文,完成练习题,找出重点句;

4. 根据**提示和所学内容小组内完成3b,并朗读。

平行训练·1. in___parts of china, things are different.

a. another b. others c. other

2. -what kind of __do you like best?

-by train. because it’s safe and comfortable.

a. cars b. trains c. transportation

3. _number of students in our school is 4000. _large number of them go to school by bus.

a. a, a b. the, the c. the, a

4. tr**eling by ship is __than taking bus.

a. a lot more fun b. much fun c. a lot much fun

5. how are you going to the park, _bus or __

a. a bike b. his bike c. a car d. a and b

合作**·1. my pants与……不同) yours.

2. i think it视……而定) the weather.

3. 这个学校有许多学生坐地铁上学students in this school __the __to school.

4. 那一定比乘公共汽车有趣的多。thatmore than


1. my father goes to work __his car.

a. by b. on c. in

2. -how far is star supermarket from your home ?

-about 3 kilometers __

a. away b. long c. far

3. the number of the students in his class __around 40.

a. are b. is c. do

4. -where are you going for winter vacation?

-i’m not sure yet. it __the weather.

a. is b. depend c. depends on

5. my school isn’t far from here .it’s only __walk

a. fifteen b. fifteen minutes’ c. fifteen minute’s

6. i don’t like this one .please give me __one.

a. another b. other c. the others d. the other


it’s ten miles from my home to school.

8. the girl gets to school by train every morning.(改为同义句)

the girl __a __to school every morning.

9. all, in ,china , the , take ,students , not , school , bus, to

10. on foot , number , of , a , small , go to the school , the , students

11. bus , most , the , getting , to , ways , of , popular , school , is


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