八年级英语教案 新目标八年级英语上册unit1导学案

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八年级(上)英语学科导学案unit1 how often do you exercise?(section a)

一.学习目标(learning aims)1.掌握表示频率的副词及其用法。2.运用频率副词及短语回答问题。 the new words of unit 1.二、教学重点和难点。

1.--what do you usually do on weekends?--i usually play soccer.

2.--what does he do on weekends?--he sometimes watches tv.3.--how often do you shop?

---i shop once a month.

4.--how often does cheng watch tv?--he watches tv twice a week.三、知识链接。



1) reading the words of unit 1 by themselves.

2) understanding the meaning of the sentenses and articles of unit 1.五、导学过程:




3.想一想:与go shopping类似结构的词组还有哪些?




二.how often用法。

1. how often do you go to church?你隔多久去做一次礼拜?

2. how often (ie at what intervals) do the buses run?公共汽车隔多长时间一班?

3. how often do you hear from your sister?你多长时间接到你姐姐一次信?

4. how often do lions breed?狮子多长时间产一次仔?

5. how often do you h**e a bad back?你多长时间腰痛一次?

6. how often do you go swimming?你多久去游泳一次?

7. how often do you go there?你多长时间去一次那里?

8. how often do you eat out?你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?





希望英语)is my f**oriteenglishp___锻炼) twice a day.

.we like to go踩滑板)with our friends after school.4.i often去购物)on weekends.八年级英语教案。


1)-_do you do your homework? many time(2)i visit my grandparentsa second of my f**orite programs___animal 't

4)she hardly ever __sports games___tv on sunday watch;in on(5)my father___goes to the left. let’s hurry up! readenglishbooks___

8)tennis___myf**ourite 根据汉语补全下列英语句子,每空一词。1.她通常9点钟睡觉。

sheto bed at 9 o’clock.2.我父亲有时在晚上6点钟到家。

my fatherhome at six in the evening.3.星期六我常和妈妈去买东西。

iwith my mother on saturday.4.——你多长时间给父母写一次信?

do you write to your parents?——一月四次。


---what do you___do on

---我通常去踩滑板。--i usually

八年级(上)英语学科导学案unit1 how often do you exercise?(section b)

一.学习目标(learning aims)1.巩固表示频率的副词及其用法。2.运用频率副词及短语回答问题。二、教学重点和难点。

---how often do you …?most / many/ some of …三、知识链接。

复习一般现在时态用法和how often do you …?句型。


1) role playing.

2) reading listening writing speaking .五、导学过程:

1.revise the words of unit 1. read and learn by heart.2.

预习课本pages4-6,会翻译,并完成5页课文3a and 3b.

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