
发布 2022-12-28 13:06:28 阅读 7115


unit 9when was he born?


language knowledge语言知识(1)intercourse交际功能:

talk about famous people谈论名人,learn words about occupations学习职业词汇(2)sentence句型:when was he born?

language skills语言技能:听、说、读、写与综合实践运用culture knowledge文化知识:了解名人情况。

emotion attitude情感态度:学习兴趣,参与意识与合作精神learning strategy学习策略:积极思考,乐于参与teaching preparation教学准备:


teaching period教学过程step 1question time

hello, boy! i’m miss wu. what’s your name?

…i was born in 1976. when wereyou born?…what does your father do?

…when was he born?…

hi, what’s your name?…i was born in 1976. when were you born?

…do youlikesports?(no.)oh,whatdoyoulike?

…what…stardoyouknow?…oh,he/she is famous. when was he/she born?

…hi, what’s your name?…i was born in 1976. when were you born?

…do youlike sports?(yes.)that’s great, then which sports star do you know?

…what sportdoes he play?…when was he/she born?…同时作记录。

excuse me. do you know any sports stars? when was he born?同时作记录。

step 2make a list

say: i don’t like sports. so i don’t know many international sports stars.

but with yourhelp, i know some sports stars now . you see,(展示刚才的记录单) i h**e a list of theinternational sports stars i know here. this is….

he is a great…player. he was bornin…. and this is….

ok, listen. you must know some international sports stars. please make a list ofsome sports stars you know like this on your books.

you can h**e three the students to report their lists.

step 3talk about

say: i h**e some pictures of international sports stars. let’s h**e a look .

show the picture of deng yaping. ask: who’s that?…what does she do?…whenwas she born?

repeat with the pictures of ronaldo, tian liang and du li.

step 4listen to the tape

say: open your books at page 53 , look at activity 1b and listen to the tape, write theyear the sports star was born under each check the answers: 196319801975

step 5pairwork

(the students read)

say: you’re good. now i hope you can practice the similar conversations to talk aboutamerican basketball player–michael jordan, swiss tennis player–martina hingis,british football player–d**id beckham.

three minutes. ok?….

say: ok. which two try first?….

step 6task time

say: attention, please. you will h**e a task now.

a famous people show need you tocollectinformationaboutfamouspeople,includessportsstars,singers,filmstars,hosts etc. you can work in groups, the group which get the most information is thebest one.我们要办一个名人展。


say: next the group leader must answer the visitors’questions.活动小组的组长回答参观者提出的问题。

step 7consolidation

complete the conversation.

step 8homework

say:ok, know, inthe olympic games of 2004, wehad got63prize medals. the players are our pride.

we must never forget them. so after class,you’ .在2024年雅典奥运会上,中国共获得63枚奖牌。

这些运动员们为国家挣得了荣誉。我们不能忘记他们。 well, this is your homework today.

try to search ontheinternetor other materials.所以,今天的作业就是为《2004雅典奥运会之中国奥运冠军录》收集相关资料。

after the teaching教学反思(待课后再完成)


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