
发布 2022-12-12 03:40:28 阅读 6893

unit 2 numbers

reading a

词汇讲解。1. challenge 向某人挑战

challenge sb to sth 意思是“挑战某人做某事”

challenge sb to do sth.

does anyone want to challenge me?

mike challenged tom to a game of badminton.

2. promise to do sth/ that+宾语从句。

he promised to lend me his bike.

promise me(that) you will you waste your time.

3. and so on 等等,诸如此类,以此类推。

this shop sell clothes, shoes, hats and so on.

4. realize 意识到,认识到。

she didn’t realize her mistake yet.

5. follow my advice 听从我的劝告/建议。

you’d better follow your parents’ advice.

6. nothing but 只有,只不过,不过而已。

charles eats nothing but fruit.

7. from then on 从那时起。

from then on, he helped me a lot in many ways.

句子解析。1. if的意思是“如果”,引导条件状语从句。

if i am free tomorrow, i’ll go to the zoo with you.

2. double v 加倍 adj 两倍的,双的,双份的。

if you double five, you make ten.

3. 否定疑问句,用来表示建议,还可以用表示希望等到肯定答复,惊讶,赞赏,怀疑或责备等意思。

don’t you remember the days when we stayed in pairs?

don’t you want to go?

isn’t it a lovely day?

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词汇讲解。this way 用这种方法 in many ways 用许多不同的方法。

that 为了…以便…引导目的状语从句。

he sat the front row so that he could see the blackboard clearly.

发展,开发 develop into 发展成为。

ten years later, the small town developed into a big city.

to 导致,引起,通向过去式led to

this may even lead to death

amount of ….的数量后接不可数名词。

the number of ….的数量, 后接可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

the number of the boys in our class is 23.







9. 只有,只不过10.从那时起。

11.不再12. 整年,全年。


long long ago, a king in i___loved to play chess very much. one day, a w___man came to the palace and the king c___him to a game of chess. the king p___to give him any p___if he won the game.

the old man asked for some rice, one grain of rice for the square of the c___two for the second, four for the third, and double the a___for each of the rest of the r __that he would not h**e e___rice to put on all the squares even w___all the rice in the country.



sheto my birthday party this saturday.

2. 小偷留下一张纸条向警察挑衅。

the thief __a note tothe policecatch him.


you should __yourto work hard.


he lived alone in this city.


is that thomasspeak)?

___copy) down his new friend’s address and phone number.

didn’t use the wordcorrect).

music of the film is __amaze).

went to the hospital and __visit) an old friend

sun __rise) in the east and sets in the west.

___fall) into the river.

more practice







you solve the problema different way?

a. in b. on c. at d. by

became even __at maths because of his hard work.

a. good b. well c. better d. best

you make sure of __the visitors right now?

a. a number of b. the number of c. an amount of d. the amount of

desk is light. i can carry it __

a. easyb. lightc. lightd. hardly

you h**e a good way ofthe food fresh without a fridge?

a. keepb. keeping c.



people can get __largeinformation from the internet.

2. 他努力学习以便能通过考试。

he worked hardhe could pass the exam.


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