人教新目标八年级英语下册教案 U2教案 2

发布 2022-12-28 11:38:28 阅读 5594

八年级英语(下) unit 2 i’ll help to clean up the city parks.

section b 2a-2e教学设计。



1. 知识目标:


disabled; blind; deaf; imagine; difficultly; open; door; carry; train; excited; training

kindness; clever; understand/understood; change


set up; make a difference;

2. 能力目标:



2)指导学生建构mind map, 增强学生的注意力、记忆力,启迪学生思维,培养学生的联想力和创造力。

3. 情感目标:教育、培养学生对他人表示同情及关爱。


1.利用上下文猜测词义。2. 泛读和精读结合。3. 情景教学法;任务型教学法。


step 1.preparation (准备)

say:we can do many things to help others.

ask: what can we do to help peopleanswer:…

what volunteer work do you want to do? answer: …


step 2. presentation(呈现)

using some pictures to learn new words and phrases.

1) normal things 轻松平常的事。

can you open the door?

can you close the door?

can you carry things?

can you answer the phone?

can you use your hands, arms or legs easily?

2) disabled people

be blind be deaf be unable to walk

3) some normal things are difficult for disabled people.

maybe we can’t imagine.

4) to help the disabled people out, we set up some groups to help them.

disabled persons’federation (残联)

animal helpers (动物助手)

5) a special trained dog


step 3. practice (操练)

task 1: guessing game (look and match)

ask: who are they?

1. ben smitha. a special trained dog.

2. miss lib. a disabled person.

3. luckyc. a person who g**e away money to help ben.


task 2: read and match the characters with adjectives:


task 3: read 2b carefully and answer some questions. then retell 2b according to the answers.

paragraph 1: why do you think miss li is kind?

paragraph 2: 1. ben is disabled. what’s the matter with him?

2. does ben love animals? how did he feel about the idea of h**ing a dog?

paragraph 3: lucky is clever and fantastic. what can he do?


task 4: read aloud and find some difficult or important points.

step 4. consolidation(巩固)


2. listen and circle “to”. then discuss the usage of “to”.

step 5. examination(检测)

fill in the blanks with the proper forms.

1. i’d likethank) you for sending money to animal helpers.

2. this group was set uphelp) disabled people.

3. you helpedmake) it possible for meh**e) lucky.

4. what would it be likebe) blind or deaf?

5. i feel very luckyh**e) him.

step 6. assignment(作业)

i. a. change them into english.

b. then make some sentences with them.

ii. a. read the letter after the tape.

b. read and retell it.

情感教育】 animals and people are friends.

they are our great helpers.

we should get on well with them.

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