
发布 2023-01-06 11:29:28 阅读 4629

u4 he said i was hard-working.

语法:一。 直接引语(direct speech)和间接引语(indirect/reported speech)

1. 直接引语:一字不变的引用别人的原话, 有引号。

2. 间接引语:用自己的语言转述别人的话,无引号,通常以宾语从句或动词不定式的形式出现。


1. 人称的变化:一随主,二随宾,三不变。


mary says, “i want to forget the past.” mary says that she wants to forget the past.


he says to me, “you h**e to change your shoes.” he says to me that i h**e to change my shoes.


she says, “they are looking forward to peace.” she says that they are looking forward to peace.

2. 时态的变化:主句一般现在时,从句时态任所需;主句一般过去时,从句过去某种时;真理格言现在时。


susan says, “i went to see the film.” susan says that she went to see the film.



一般现在时(is, am/are/v原,v单一般过去时(was/were/v过去式)

一般将来时(will/shall/be going to过去将来时(would/should/was, were going to)

现在进行时(be doing过去进行时(was, were doing)

(一般过去时(was, were/v过去式过去完成时(had been/had done)

(现在完成时(h**e done过去完成时(had been/had done)



can-could; may-might; must-had to/must


the teacher said, “light tr**els much faster than sound.”→the teacher said that light tr**els much faster than sound.

3. 指示代词, 时间状语, 地点状语, 部分动词的变化:(见《**课堂》p28 **)

4. 以下情况不变:


he said, “he was born in 1970.” he said that he was born in 1970.

(2)直接引语中有when, since引导的时间状语从句, 变间接引语, 时间状语从句中时态不变:

john said, “i h**e studied english since i was a boy.” john said that he had studied english since he was a boy.


1. 陈述句改间接引语,常用动词said, told, 引导词是that,可省略:

ben said, “i won’t go to marcia’s house on friday night.”→ben said (that) he wouldn’t go to marcia’s house on friday night.

2. 特殊疑问句改间接引语,常用动词asked, wanted to know引导词为原有的特殊疑问词,不可省略,其后用陈述语序:

she said, “why don’t you go to school?” she asked why i didn’t go to school.

3. 一般疑问句改间接引语,常用动词asked, wanted to know, 引导词为if/whether(是否),不可省略(选择疑问句只用whether),其后用陈述语序:

she said, “could i copy your homework?” she asked me if/whether she could copy my homework.

4. 祈使句改间接引语,在动词原形前用句型tell/ask/order sb. (not) to do sth.

he said to tom, “please h**e a rest.” he told/asked tom to h**e a rest.

she shouted, “don’t close the door.” she told/asked/ordered not to close the door.

tips: 做练习: p29 ii, p30 iii, p32 ii 做题步骤:

1. 去引号, 改人称 2. 主句为过去式时, 改时态 3.

改句型 4. 其他变化)


1. be mad at/with = be angry at/with 生…的气,对…发怒。

are you mad with/at jim

be mad about/on = be crazy about/on 对…疯狂,着迷。

he is mad about her

2. no more = not…anymore/not…any more 不再。

注:anymore [am] any more [br]

用法说明:no more 用句末或助后事前,not 用于助后实前,anymore 用句末。

he will go there no more. =he will no more go there. =he won’t go there any more.

辨析]no more/not…anymore和no longer/not any longer


the baby cried no more. =the baby no more cried. =the baby didn’t cry anymore.

you are no longer a child. =you are a child no longer. =you aren’t a child any longer.

3. first of all = first/firstly = at first 首先(注:at first 另有“起初”含义)【常用于句首】

4. be good at = do well in 在…方面做得好;擅长于…

5. be in good health = be healthy

keep in good health = keep healthy

6. get over = overcome克服 she can’t get over her shyness.

get短语]get along/on; get away; get away from; get back; get down; get in; get out; get out of; …

7. open up 打开,开辟,开创。

we are hoping to __a big market in china.

more and more foreigners want to __their companies in china.

8. care for 照顾,照看 = look after = take care of

9. how’s it going? 近来过得如何?一切进展顺利吗? 你好吗?

how’s everything going?

how’s it going with you?

答语:everything goes well./everything is going well.

/it’s great./it’s pretty good./not bad.


二.名词。1. message n.[c] 消息,信息(指相互传送的信息, 可以是口头的, 也可以是书面的)

le**e a message 留口信。

take a message 捎口信。


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