人教版新目标英语八年级下册词组U1 U

发布 2022-12-28 10:49:28 阅读 8324

u11. 感冒h**e a cold

2. 发烧h**e a fever

3. 头疼h**e a toothache

4. 胃疼h**e a stomachache

5. 喉咙痛h**e a sore throat

6. 背疼h**e a sore back

7. 量体温take one's temperature

8. 远离计算机休息。

take breaks away from the computer

9. 用同一个姿势坐太久。

sat (sit) in the same way for too long

10. 躺下lie down

11. 去看医生。

go to the doctor

12. 看到某人正在做某事。

see sb. doing sth.

13. 在路边。

on the side of the road

14. 没有多想。

without thingking twice

15. 下车。

get off the bus(上车get on)

16. 有心脏问题。

h**e a heart problem

17. 带某人。去。


18. 期待某人做某事。

expect sb, to do

19. 让某人吃惊的是。

to one’s surprise

20. 同意做某事。

agree to do

21. 多亏,幸亏。

thanks to

22. 被医生抢救。

be s**ed by the doctors

23. 及时。

in time

25. 拯救一个生命。

s**e a life

26. 陷入麻烦。

get into trouble

27. 撞到头get hit on the head

28. 缠上绷带put a bandage on it

29. 在水流下冲run it under water

30. 流鼻血h**e a nosebleed

31. 对。感兴趣be interested in

32. 习惯于get used to doing

33. 处于危险境界。

in a very dangerous situation

34. 独自by himself

35. 耗尽run out

36. 救他自己的命s**e his own life

37. 不准备死be not ready to die

38. 用到切除use knife to cut off

39. 摆脱get out of …

40. 做出好的决定make good decisions

41. 掌控in control of …

42. 坚持做keep on doing sth.

43. 晒伤get sunburned

44. 摔倒fall down

u2section a

1使振作起来cheer up

2分发give out/ hand out

3食物救济站 food bank

4清扫 clean up

5想出(注意)come up with

6推迟put off

7张贴告示put up

8打**给 call up

9制定计划make plans

10养老院 old people’s home

11帮忙(摆脱困境)help out

12过去。曾经。used to

13放弃 give up

14照顾动物care for


a strong feeling of satisfaction

16愉快的表情 the look of joy

17在4岁的时候 at the age of four

18参加。选拔try out


go on a different journey with

20梦想成真a dream come true

21同时at the same time


volunteer our time to help...


raise money for homeless people

section b

1像 take after/be similar to

2修理 fix up

3赠送 give away

4花光钱 run out of money

5成立 set up

6使做。成为可能make it possible to do...

7开关门open and close doors

8我的一个朋友a friend of mine


a special trained dog

10能够 be able to

11下指令 give orders

12马上 at once

u31倒垃圾take out the trash

2做杂务do chores

3洗盘子do the dishes

4扫地sweep the floor

5整理床铺make the bed

6叠衣服fold the clothes

7打扫客厅clean the living room

8出去吃晚饭go out for dinner

9去看电影go to the movies

10在外面待到很晚stay out late

11搭便车get a ride

12帮忙help out with

13至少at least

14结束做finish doing sth.

15购物回来be back from shopping

16立刻any minute now

17看到一片混乱see this mess

18扔下throw(threw) down

19一。就。the minuteas soon as...

20在。前面in front of

21遛狗take the dog for a walk

22一直all the time

23我也不neither did i

24我们两个都不neither of us

25吃惊地in surprise

26和我朋友闲逛hang out with my friends

27递给我盐pass me the salt

28向。借borrow sth. from ..

29借给某人某物lend sb. sth.

30一次露营a camping trip

31邀请我朋友去派对invite my friends to a party

32买饮料和零食buy drinks and snacks

33让孩子帮忙做家务make kids help with housework

34已经有足够多的学校压力already h**e enough stress from school

35浪费时间a waste of time

36花时间在。spend time on sth.

37为了in order to

38进入好大学get into a good university

39sb没必要做there is no need for sb. to do

40做。是某人的职责it’s one’s job to do...

41提供给某人某物provide sb. with sth. /provide sth. for sb.

42介意做mind doing

43只做。不够it’s is not enough to just do...

44依靠depend on

45培养独立性develop one’s independence

46照顾look after/ take care of

47在做。中起作用/承担责任do one’s part in doing

48不知道,没头绪h**e no idea

49结果as a result

50病倒fall ill

u41与。友好相处 on with

2...之间的关系 between

3笼罩 over

4对某人好 nice to sb.

5拒绝做 to do.

6任何他想要的 he wants

7主动提供帮助 to help

8有更多的时间来恰当的沟通 more time for proper communication

9和。沟通 with sb

10介意某人做… sb. doing sth.

11一直 the time

12允许某人做某事 allow sb. to do

13和。吵架 get into a fight with

14怎么了? what's wrong?

15浏览 look through

16还给 give ..back to sb.

17生某人的气 be angry with sb.

18告诉某人做某事 tell sb. to do.

19重要的事 a big deal

20解决 work out

21抄作业copy my homework

22归还return sth. =give sth. back

23把。忘在家里 le**e(left) sth. at home

24害怕在人群面前讲话 be afraid of speaking in front of people

25再也不相信你 do not trust you anymore

26独处spend time alone

27给我很多学习上的压力give me a lot of pressure about school

28与某人竞争 compete with

29互相帮助对方提高 help each other to improve

30. take after-school classes 上辅导课。

31. look for differences and similarities between things寻找事物之间的不同点和相同点。


1.收集贝壳collect shells 2.滑冰马拉松skating marathon 3.你第一双滑冰鞋your first pair of skates 4.募捐raise money 5.整整五小时the whole five hours 6.三年半three and a half year...


1单元。多久一次几乎不网上冲浪高中至于 关于垃圾食品多少尝试做某事当然照顾与 一样与 不同许多保持健康大多数的一周一次三个月两次去滑滑板在周末做运动动物世界活动调查结果对 有好处爱做某事帮助某人做 健康生活方式饮食习惯少吃肉多做运动感冒胃痛背痛喉咙痛头痛牙痛休息看牙医。紧张 怎么了?中国的方法传统中...

