
发布 2022-12-22 09:26:28 阅读 3478


unit 8how was your school trip ?

1.yard sale庭院旧货**。

2.what else = anything else 还有其它什么。

3.he’s the big winner他是一个大赢家。

4.at the end of +the month/the road (时间/地点在……尽头末端。

in the end (只能单用)=finally=at last 最后。

5.happy/ sad ending快乐/悲伤的结局。

6.drive to work=go to work by car 开车去上班。

go for a drive开车去兜风。

7.be off休息。

day off假期。

8.start off离开,出发。

9. unfortunately =unluckily不幸的。


10.in future在将来。

11.h**e a great/ good/ wonderful time =h**e fun

enjoy oneself/ oneselves玩的愉快。

12.on the school trip在学校郊游中。

13.h**e a great/ bad time on the school trip

h**e a good school trip 愉快/糟糕的郊游。

14.go to the zoo = visit

go to the aquarium

go to the beach/museum

go to the outdoor pool 去户外水池。

go to the gifts shop去礼品店。

go to blue water aquarium(专有名词)

go to visitors’ center去游客中心。

go camping/hiking/ swimming (in the rain)

go sightseeing/ fishing

15.visitor’s center游客中心。

children’s day儿童节。

teachers’ day教师节。

women’s day妇女节。

16.watch a movie about sharks ( about sth)

watch a dolphin show

see a film

go to a movie about sth 看一场关于…的电影。

17.see sth / see sb看见某物/某人。

18.buy lots of gifts ( for sb) 买sth给sb.

=buy sb sth= buy sth for sb

give sth to sb=give sb sth. 给sb 某物。

19.take the bus back to school 坐车回校。

=go back to school by bus

20.take photos of sb给某人拍照。

play beach volleyball打沙滩排球。

21.hang out with her friends 与某人出去闲逛。

22 no one没有人。

23.buy a souvenir / sth 买个纪念品/ 东西。

24.play computer games玩电脑游戏。

25.get one’s photos获得某人的**。

26.meet a famous/ great/ well-known actor

27.win a prize中奖。

win a hat /sth赢得帽子/某物。

28.make a movie拍电影。

29.watch tv with a friend ( friends)和朋友看电视。

watch videos看影碟。

30.sleep late = get up late 睡迟了,迟起床。

31.take a class上课。

32.help mom and dad do sth 帮爸妈做事情。

33.all day long= the whole day=all day 整天。

34 study hard for the math test为数学考试努力学习。

35.wake up醒来。

wake sb up把某人叫醒。

36.h**e a very fun day愉快的一天。

37.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在早上/…

38.kind of = a little +adj一点。

39.stay in the house待在屋子里。

40.put sth out把sth拿出去,熄灭。

41.h**e a yard sale庭院售货。

unit 9when was he born ?

professional pilot职业飞行员。

ice skating滑冰。

table tennis乒乓球运动。

be born on+具体时间/august 8th,1932

be born in+月/年/地点august/1932/fuzhou

出生于。start/begin doing sth=begin to do 开始做某事。

start hiccupping/sneezing/writing/riding/golfing

stop doing / smoking/ writing/hiccupping


stop to do/h**e a rest/smoke/listen to music


stop writing to read 停止写字去阅读。

get an achievement

get some/ many achievements 获得成就。

a creative/ talented girl/ musician


a kind/ loving grandmother 慈爱的祖母。

an outstanding player 一个杰出的运动员。

a talented drawer 一个有天赋的画家。

an unusual girl一个不寻常的女孩。

9.he’s talented/loving/outstanding.他有才能/杰出。

10.unusual things不寻常的事。

11.well-known= famous 出名的,著名的。

a well-known chinese violinist/ pianist

12.hum songs哼唱歌曲。

hum difficult pieces of music 哼唱较难歌曲。

write songs写歌曲。

a piece of music/song 一首**/歌曲。

13.be alive活着的。

14.as usual如往常一样。

15.enter the university/ college 进入大学。

16.major in+学科主修…专业。

major (n) my major is english.我的专业是英语。

v) i major in english. 我主修英语。

major (in collage在大学的专业。

my major in college is english .

17 spend time (in) doing sth=it takes+时+to do sth

spend money on sth = sth. costs + 钱。

spend time with sb = stay with sb during …

18.take part in参加比赛/活动。


八年级上册词组unit 8 how was your school trip 1 yard sale庭院旧货 2 what else anything else 还有其它什么。3 he s the big winner他是一个大赢家。4 at the end of the month the roa...


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