2019新目标八年级下册词组 句型

发布 2022-12-26 11:28:28 阅读 1510


1. feel sick

2. h**e a nosebleed

3. cut his knee

4. hurt his back

5. get hit on the head

6. h**e a fever

7. h**e a cold

8. h**e a headache

9. h**e a sore back

10. h**e a stomachache

11. h**e a sore throat

12. h**e a cough

13. h**e a toothache

14. cut myself

15. neck still hurt

16. put a bandage on it

17. put some medicine on it

18. run it under water

19. go to the hospital

20. go to a doctor

21. get some rest

22. get an x-ray

23. rest for a few days

24. clean your face

25. put your head back

26. put on a clean t-shirt

27. lie down

28. drink some hot tea with honey

29. see a dentist

30. take your temperature

31. talk to much

32. didn’t drink enough water

33. can’t move my neck

34. on the weekend

35. play computer games

36. take breaks away from the computer

37. take breaks=h**e a rest

38. sit in the same way

39. without moving

40. without + ving,41. go along zhonghua road

42. lie on the side of the road

43. next to him

44. shout for help

45. without thinking twice

46. get off

47. h**e a heart problem

48. act quickly

49. all of the passergers

50. all of ……

51. wait for next bus

52. to his surprise

53. agree to go with him

agree to do sth

agree with sb

54. s**e the man 救了那个人

55. in time 及时。

56. s**e a life 救了一条命

57. do the right thing 做正确的事。

58. get into trouble 惹麻烦。

59. what the matter with sb ? 某人怎么呢?

60. fall down 掉落,降落。

61. h**e problem breathing 呼吸有问题 h**e problems doing sth 做某事有麻烦。

62. get hit by a ball 被一个球击中。

63. as a mountian climber 作为一个登山者,as……作为……

64. take risks 冒险。

65. do dangerous sports 做危险的运动。

66. lost his life 失去他的生命 lose 丢失,过去式lost

67. ran out of sth 用光某物。

68. h**e to do something 必须做某事,69. was not ready to die 还没准备死,be ready to do sth准备做某事。

70. cut off half his right arm 砍断他右胳膊的一半 cut off 砍断,切断。

71. lose too much blood 失血过多。

72. climb down the mountain 下山。

73. in a difficult situation 在困难的环境中。

74. make good decisions 做一个好决定。

75. out of control 失去控制。

76. keep on climbing mountains坚持继续登山 keep on doing sth 继续做某事就,坚持做某事。

77. h**e the same spirit 有相同的精神

78. h**e a serious accident 遇到一个严重的事故。

79. should do sth 应该做某事。

80. put on 穿上,81. most of ……大多数……

82. agree to do sth 同意做某事。

83. thanks to ……幸亏……

84. h**e difficulty 有困难。

85. be used to doing sth 习惯做某事。

86. used to do sth 过去经常做某事。

87. be interested in sth 对某事某物某人,感兴趣。

88. seem to 好像。

89. so that 以致于。

90. tell of 告诉。

unit21. clean up the city parks

2. cheer sb up

3. give out the food

4. an after-school study program

5. make some plans

6. in an old’s people’s home

7. last summer

8. help out with sth = help with sth

9. read news*****

10. how things used to be

11. care for sb

12. we’re all going to be old one day.

13. give up

14. how to care for animals

15. such a strong feeling of satisfaction

16. i see the look of joy on their owner’s faces.

17. at the age of four

18. they’re going on a different journey

19. homeless people

20. put up some signs around school

21. thank you for doing sth

22. help disabled people like me

23. make a big difference

24. so normal things like answering the telephone

25. bring him home

26. because of your kindness

27. give him orders

28. send you a photo of him= send a photo of him to you

29. change my life

unit31. do the dishes 洗碗。

2. clean your room 打扫你的房间。

3. take out the rubbish 倒垃圾。

4. fold your clothes 叠衣服。

5. make your bed 整理床铺。

6. sweep the floor 拖地。

7. chean the living room 打扫客厅。

8. no problem 没问题。

9. help out with a few things 帮助解决一些事情。

10. at least 至少。

11. be back 回来,i will be back as soom as possible.我会尽快回来。

12. see this mess 看见这些乱七八糟。

13. pretty clean and tidy 相当干净和整洁。pretty,非常,相当。

14. be angry with sb 对某人生气。

15. solve the problem 解决问题。

16. throw down sth 扔下某物。

17. the minute +从句怎么样的那一刻,the minute i saw her , i was fall in love with her.

18. come over 过来。

19. take the dog for a walk 带着狗去散步。

20. reply angrily 很生气的回答。

21. all the time 一直。

22. as tired as you are 跟你一样疲劳。

23. shout back 喊回去。

24. walk away 走开。

25. neither do i , neither did i 我也不怎么样。

26. find the house clean and tidy 发现房子干净又整洁。

27. what happened? 发生什么了?

28. in surprise 吃惊地。

29. share sth , share the housework 分享某物,分享家务。

30. h**e a clean and comfortable home 有一个干净和舒适的家。

31. pass sb sth, could you pass me salt? 递给某人某物,你能把盐递给我么?

32. lend sb sth= lend sth to sb, could you lend me some money?借某人某物你能借一些钱给我。

33. come back too late 回来太晚。

34. finish doing sth, 完成做某事。

35. try not to do sth 努力不做某事。

36. h**e a test 考试。

37. invite sb to swh, could i invite my friends to a party? 邀请某人到某地,38.

agree with sb ,答应某人。

39. a waste of their time 浪费时间。

40. spend their time on schoolwork,把时间花费在学业上。

41. inorder to do sth 为了做某事。

42. get good grades 得到好分数。

43. ger into a good university 进去好大学。

44. there is no need for them to do it now 对他们来说,没有必要现在做。

45. provide sth for sb=provide sb with sth , 给某人提供某物。


1.收集贝壳collect shells 2.滑冰马拉松skating marathon 3.你第一双滑冰鞋your first pair of skates 4.募捐raise money 5.整整五小时the whole five hours 6.三年半three and a half year...


八年级上册词组。unit 8how was your school trip 1 yard sale庭院旧货 2 what else anything else 还有其它什么。3 he s the big winner他是一个大赢家。4 at the end of the month the roa...


八年级上册词组unit 8 how was your school trip 1 yard sale庭院旧货 2 what else anything else 还有其它什么。3 he s the big winner他是一个大赢家。4 at the end of the month the roa...