
发布 2022-08-18 03:31:28 阅读 1071

1.收集贝壳collect shells

2.滑冰马拉松skating marathon

3.你第一双滑冰鞋your first pair of skates

4.募捐raise money

5.整整五小时the whole five hours

6.三年半three and a half years

7.填充动物玩具stuffed animals

8.妖怪雪球snow glob of the monster

9.用光run out of

10.在我十七岁生日时on my seventeenth birthday

11.顺便说一下by the way

12.最常见的the most common

13.送某人某物send sb sth

14.才艺表演a talent show

15.额外的英语课extra englsih class

16.古币old coins

17.自由话题free topic

18.想起think of

19.著名人物famous characters

20.黑龙江省会the capital of heilongjiang province

21.具有丰富多彩的历史with a colorful history

22.欧洲的影响european influence

23.苏联风格in russian style

24.家史family history

25.惊奇be surprised

26.受到…的欢迎be welcomed by

27.宋朝皇帝the song emperor

28.西方历史western history

29.越…越the+比较级…the +比较。

30.确信be certain that/to do

unit 7

1.介意做某事mind doing sth

2.调小/大turn down/up

3.洗餐具do the dishes

4.从…里出来get out of

5.立即right away/at once

6.一会儿in a minute

7.在开会be at the meeting

8.完成这些工作finish these tasks

9.在厨房里in the kitchen

10.帮某人做某事help sb do/with sth

11.抱怨complain about sth

12.商店职员store clerk

13.给你拿错了食品bring you the wrong food

14.不好使don’t work

15.恼怒get annoyed

16.排队等候wait in line


h**e a long telephone conversation

18.到处跟着我follow me around

19.回到…go back to

20.一直all the time

21.碰巧发生在某人身上happen to sb

22.试着不做某事try not to do sth

23.插队cut in line

24.有点晚a bit late

25.定购食物order food

26.压低你的声音keep your voice down

27.讲英语的国家english-speaking country

28.社会行为social beh**ior

29.与某人站的近stand close to sb

30.一些亚洲国家some asian countries

31.在各种条件下in all situations

32.即使even if

33.当众in public

34.小心take care to do sth

35.熄灭香烟put out the cigarette

36.被批评be criticized

37.扔垃圾drop litter

38.捡起pick up

39.表现礼貌beh**e politely

40.依靠depend on

41.地方报纸local news*****

unit 8

1.幸运儿lucky guy

2.做一顿特别的饭make a special meal

3.你自己的选择your own choices

4.大腹便便的猪a pot-bellied pig

5.好伙伴good company

6.带某人出去take sb out to do

7.睡着fall asleep

8.半途中half way

9.树上的一片叶子a leaf from a tree

10.赠送give away

11.公园长椅park bench

12.试着做某事try to do sth

13.通过不同的方式in different ways

14.来自于中国各地from across china

15.在舞台上on stage

16.各种年龄层all age groups

17.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do sth

18.取得进步make progress

19.奥委会the olympic committee

20.从…中得到乐趣h**e fun with sth

21.讲本族语的人native speakers

22.使某要对某事感兴趣make sb interested in

unit nine

1.太空博物院 space museum

2.游乐场 amusement park

3.水上乐园 water park

4.曾经到过某个地方 h**e been to

5.到某个地方去了 h**e gone to

6.呆在某个地方 h**e been in

7.既不也不;两者都不 neither nor

8.听说 hear of

9.迪斯尼人物 disney character

10.主题公园 a theme park

11.当然 of course

12.过山车 a roller coaster

13.以┉为主题 be themed by

14.四处走动 walk around

15.总是一直 all the time

16. 迪斯尼巡游 disney cruise

17.兜风 take a ride

18.在船上 on board

19.走不同的路线 take different routes

20.结束 end up

21.空中乘务员 a flight attendant

22.导游 a tour guide

23.象…这样的 such as

24.考虑 think about

25.胜于,而不是 rather than

26.在东南亚 in southeast asia

27.度假 take a holiday

28.在一方面 on the one hand

29.在另一方面 on the other hand

30.超过多余 more than

31.四分之三 three quarters

32.三分之一 one third

33.做某事有困难 h**e some problem doing

34.不管还是;whether or

35.夜狩 night safari

36.在白天 during the daytime

37.在更自然的环境里 in a more natural environment

38.全年 all year round

39.靠近 be close to

unit ten it’s a nice day, isn’t it?

1.闲聊 small talk

2.祝一天愉快 h**e a good day

3.浏览;粗略看一遍 look through

4.排队等候 wait in line

5.穿过一条繁忙的街道 cross a busy street

6.开场白 open questions

7.感谢函 thank-you note

8.想要 feel like

9.出现;陪伴 come along

10.融洽相处get along

11.想起 think of

12.有一个家宴 h**e a family dinner

13.交通拥挤 he**y traffic

14.至少 at least


1单元。多久一次几乎不网上冲浪高中至于 关于垃圾食品多少尝试做某事当然照顾与 一样与 不同许多保持健康大多数的一周一次三个月两次去滑滑板在周末做运动动物世界活动调查结果对 有好处爱做某事帮助某人做 健康生活方式饮食习惯少吃肉多做运动感冒胃痛背痛喉咙痛头痛牙痛休息看牙医。紧张 怎么了?中国的方法传统中...



